
“The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To those who seek Him.”
Lamentations 3:25

Oftentimes in life we spend endless hours of our days waiting. It may be patiently waiting on the phone for help. It may be lined up at the bank or supermarket. It can be when we’re stopped at every traffic light, just wanting to get home. We spend a lot of time waiting for others but then expect God to produce everything instantly.

Today’s verse gives us two powerful keys to receiving from God. Firstly we should passionately wait for Him and secondly we should diligently seek Him. The Lord says that as we wait & seek, He’ll produce good in our future. If we’re impatient, lacking focus & are short tempered we’ll ultimately miss out on the good that He’s planned ahead.

It’s impossible for us to make anyone answer a phone, speed up a line or change the traffic lights. Similarly, our impatience doesn’t change God’s timings. We mustn’t selfishly run ahead of what He’s doing thinking its OK, it’s not. We must learn to wait, stay expectant & be full of hope for the future that He’s planned for us. [Jeremiah 29:11]

This week let’s relax into God’s Will for our future. Let’s not get impatient. Lets not become frustrated & short tempered. Lets passionately wait for Him instead. Lets diligently seek Him & His future for our life. We must be careful not to allow the pressure of urgency to steal our focus. We should stop; take a few deep breaths and wait, seeking Him. Circumstances will begin to turn as we see His goodness poured out on our lives.