Good News For You…

… Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…”
Mark 16:15

Soon fireworks will be exploding, parties will be happening & people will be rejoicing a very temporal event – the end of one year and the beginning of another. Some people like to celebrate the current year ending because it contained hard & difficult times and they’re full of hope for a better & brighter 2022.

Today’s verse has the 11 disciples gathered around Jesus and things are about to dramatically change in their world. Jesus is about to leave them and so He gives them His final instructions. He gives them directions for the new season that lies ahead. The first thing He tells them to do is to preach & proclaim the Good News to everyone.

Now, Jesus didn’t say to go about like we’re baptized in vinegar telling everyone the problems, the difficulties or the impossibilities. He said go out and tell everyone that we have the answer, the Good News of the Gospel of Peace. This Good news contains the power of God that’ll bring change into every dire & desolate situation. It has abundant power to change a bad past into a bright future. That power is only available through His Gospel.

As we approach this New Year let’s make solid plans to do what Jesus said in the great commission, let’s share the Good News of His Gospel to all the world. Let’s share how simple His Gospel is with everyone we can. Share it as good news not bad. As we do this we’ll activate Mark 16:17 in our lives which promises signs and wonders will trail behind us. Let’s make 2022 a year to be proud of our God and all He’s done and continues to do!

Good News…

Mark 16:15 And then Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…”

Tomorrow evening fireworks will be exploding, parties will be happening and people will be rejoicing a very temporal event – the end of one year and the beginning of another. Some people like to celebrate the current year ending because it contained hard or difficult times and they’re full of hope for a better & brighter 2015.

In today’s verse the 11 disciples have gathered around Jesus and things are about to dramatically change in their world. Jesus is about to leave them and so He gives them His final instructions. He gives them directions for the new season that lies ahead. The first thing He tells them to do is to preach & proclaim the Good News to everyone.

Now, Jesus didn’t say to go about like we’re baptized in vinegar telling everyone the problems, the difficulties or the impossibilities. He said go out and tell everyone that we have the answer, the Good News of the Gospel of Peace. This Good news contains the power of God that’ll bring change into every dire & desolate situation. It has abundant power to change a bad past into a bright future and that power is only available through His Gospel.

On this New Years Eve let’s make solid plans to do what Jesus said in the great commission and share the Good News of His Gospel to all the world. Let’s share the simplicity of His Gospel with everyone we can – its simply good news not bad. By doing this we’ll activate Mark 16:17 in our lives and have signs and wonders trailing behind us.

Let’s make 2015 a year to be proud of our God and all He’s done and continues to do!