Time to Get Ready…

Acts 2:17 “In the last days,” God says “I’ll pour out of my Spirit upon all people”

Have you ever been out for a walk and been suddenly caught in a downpour? One minute you’re happily strolling along, the next you’re drenched from head to foot. The weather changed suddenly and you were caught unprepared.

Our verse tells us about a sudden change that God is planning. He’s about to gush, spill and pour out His Holy Spirit like never before. God’s been speaking about this for millennia and now it’s about to happen. It’s time to get prepared for a total drenching in His Holy Spirit.

Here’s how it works; God says He’ll do His part by pouring out the Holy Spirit and we do our part by being prepared to receive Him. Just like the wise virgins in Matthew 25, we must be prepared and ready. By continuing in God’s Word, prayer and fellowship with other believers we’ll be amply prepared to receive as God releases His downpour.

What an exciting time this will be. Our sons and daughters prophesying, our young people seeing visions, and our older folk dreaming dreams. Everyone will be saturated. There’s an overflow of the Holy Spirit coming like never before!

This week start preparing to be a vessel that can receive from this great outpouring. Consider gathering friends around you and prepare for what’s ahead. Study your bible, pray together and get to know the Holy Spirit like never before. You’ll be glad you did because God’s going to pour out His Holy Spirit on all people.