“Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.” Isaiah 43:18
It’s great to be in a new year. A new year can be a time of new beginnings just as much as it can be a time of pulling the past into our present and future. Some people make resolutions and then break them whilst others set new goals and directions, pour their energy into them & head towards success.
In todays verse the prophet Isaiah gives us a great key for moving ahead towards success. He says we should forget what’s happened previously & refuse to dwell on past events. The Apostle Paul said a similar thing when he wrote in Philippians 3:13 “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead”.
The enemy repeatedly uses our past failures and mistakes to sabotage our future. If he can get us to focus on failure then we’ll fail. Now stop & think for a moment what would happen if we stopped focusing on our failures: the enemy would have fewer tools to attack us with. Therefore we’d be equipped to succeed more easily.
This week remind yourself that everybody’s done wrong, everybody’s been hurt and everyone has hurt & wronged others. Then LET IT GO! We don’t have to fix everything, we simply need to forget the past and stop dwelling on it. The rest is up to God and He said in Romans 12:19 “Vengeance is mine; I will repay”. As we do our part by forgiving & forgetting then He can undertake His part.
“A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.” – Leonard Ravenhill