Love Your Future…

1 Corinthians 2:9 “…No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

Have you ever visited someone’s home and smelt a roast dinner baking in the oven. Even though you have not seen, heard or even imagined that dinner there is an instantly hope you might get invited to stay and enjoy it with them.

Our verse explains that God has cooked up something very special for us. He has provided, prepared and made ready our future. He has promised a future that will eclipse our past.

Now, stop and ponder on this for a moment… God has prepared a future that is so magnificent that it is beyond anything we have ever seen, heard or even imagined. I have seen, heard and imagined some gigantic things but God says that He has tirelessly prepared something even bigger for our future. WOW!

So, how do we access this future? We are told that God has already prepared it for those who “love” him. This word “Love’ comes from the word “agape”. It means to love unconditionally and unbounded. It is how God loves us and how we should love Him.

Let the agape love of God consume you this week. If you feel you need more ask the father and He will provide and before you know it you will be walking in what God has prepared for you.

PS: In the past we sent an Encouragement on Agape Love titled “Close the Gate” You can read it again on our blog by clicking here. It will help you to understand agape love and activate it in your life.

Close the Gate…

1 Corinthians 13:1 “If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.”

We can all remember the squeak that an old garden gate made or the sound of the creak & slam of the derelict screen door on an old house. We often remember these familiar sounds for a long time. Other strong memories may include a kind and helpful teacher or the person who helped us when no one else would.

Today’s verse helps us to see what actions bring divine value to our life. The key here is “love”. This word comes from the Greek “agape”. This is the type of love that is unconditional and unbounded by anything – it is the type of love God shows to us. It is the type of love God wants us to show to each other.

It doesn’t matter how well we speak of others or how passionate our words are towards them. If we don’t unconditionally love them we sound like that squeaking gate every time we open our mouth. Remember we cannot fool God. His ear is listening for the sweet sound of love every time we speak. He doesn’t want to hear the sound of that loveless gate squeaking again.

Challenge yourself this week to allow the Holy Spirit to invest a new deposit of agape love into your life. Open your Bible and get into God’s Word. The Word will help wash away past offenses and hurt that you may carry. It will be like putting oil on that rusty hinge. The new sound that God hears is sure to bring pleasure to His ears.