You Are Invited…

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” [NKJV]

From prison rescues to dramatically saved lives, God wants to involve you in what is happening on earth!  Our verse today teaches us that there is an exciting life in the Spirit available to every follower of Jesus.

Let me explain.  For many years this verse was a mystery to me.  What does it mean to be meek? What does it mean to inherit the earth?

It’s so amazing! To be meek simply means to be submissive to, gracious towards and easily imposed upon by the Holy Spirit.  To inherit means to be given an involvement in what God is doing on earth. WOW!

Our verse literally reads, “Blessed are the easily imposed upon by the Holy Spirit for they shall be given an involvement in heavens plans on earth.” Astounding!

Why wait another day? God wants to take you into realms of Him that you have never experienced before.  Open up your heart to the Holy Spirit and learn to become involved in heaven’s plans on earth anytime… anywhere!

Get a hold of Esther’s latest DVD “POWERFUL PRAYER – Getting involved in God’s plans on earth” and find out how you too can begin an exhilarating journey and be powerful in prayer today!

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