“…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead”
Philippians 3:13
Whenever we fly it’s always a great feeling to drop the heavy bags off at the check-in. Once that’s done we’re free to move around and focus on what we want to do next. We really don’t give our luggage a second thought – we have left it where it belongs.
In today’s verse Paul tells us exactly how he navigates life. He drops off all the baggage of his past and then forgets about it. Paul does one thing… he focuses on his future. The reality is that you and I cannot change our past but we can build a great future in Jesus.
In reality, it’s almost impossible to advance trying to carry all the heavy baggage from our past. Bags of hurt, shame, error & abuse are too heavy for us to move. We must give them to Jesus and make Him the “baggage counter” of our life. As we leave our luggage with Him, and forget about it, we can move easily into our future.
This week why not go to Jesus and check-in all the heavy bags of your past. Then forget about them, they are where they belong. You will be free to look forward to a fantastic future. Set your focus on it and before long you’ll be experiencing a new freedom in Jesus like never before!