The Year Ahead….

Forget what happened in the past, and do not ponder on old events 
Isaiah 43:18

For some this year has been amongst their best ever. For others this year ranks as one of their worst. This year contained many incidents & events that have forged many memories. When we think about this year these memories flood our thoughts and ignite our emotions. Some people would love another year exactly the same whilst others would prefer a year filled with the complete opposite. The good news is that a new year is upon us and how we enter it will determine the direction we’ll take.

Today’s verse lets us know God’s way for believers to head into His future plan and purpose. He lets us know we need to do 2 very important things. We need to forget what’s happened in our past [Both good & bad]and we need to Stop thinking about old events [Both good & bad]. In other words, we’re to put everything from our past into the past. We’re to stop continually resurrecting them and attempting to breathe life into them. 

The next verse in Isaiah instructs us to look to God because He is about to do something new! The truth is if all we ever do is remember our past & think about old events then it’s impossible for us to look forward to our future. Our future contains all the new things God has for us. He wants to fulfill every single one of His promises [2 Corinthians 1:20] and overflow our lives with His plan, future & Hope [Jeremiah 29:11].

This week let’s release ourselves from our past before the New Year arrives. Let’s forget about what’s happened to us & let’s stop thinking about old unchangeable events. Instead let’s put our focus on God and His Word. Let’s enter this New Year equipped to conquer every mountain & obstacle before us. Not only will we become conquerors, we’ll also have God’s joy, hope and purpose throughout the coming year.