If you return, then I will restore you
Jeremiah 15:19
Each of us has gone a little off course at some time in life. Circumstances, pressures & bad decisions may cause us to move away from what we know is best. When we’ve discovered that our direction was not the greatest it’s easy to feel like there’s no way back. We may feel isolated, separated & alone but returning to God’s plan is not as difficult as many may think.
Today’s verse gives us reassurance as to God’s heart and God’s ways. Jeremiah simply reminds us that as soon as we repent, returning to God’s way, God is there ready to bring restoration. It matters little whether we’ve strayed a long or a short way from His Word. When we return to Him, He brings restoration. He helps to keep us moving forward in His purpose & His plan towards a greater future.
Many find themselves in hopeless areas of life. These areas can seem darker than night and so lonely & distant that the goal of a better life seems almost impossible. When we apply God’s Word to these areas, we quickly discover the restoration power that God pours out. We start moving away from these areas of devastation into the realms of possibility that are only found in our God.
This week let’s not allow circumstances, pressures & bad decisions to lead us away from God any longer. Instead let’s locate these areas of hopelessness that we may be carrying, bring them to God, apply His Word and allow Him to restore, renew and revitalize us. Before long we’ll be looking forward into a greater. A future that is infinitely more than we might ask or think. [Ephesians 3:20]