It must be love, love, love…

1 John 4:16 “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” [KJV]

This week on Valentines Day couples all around the world celebrate their love for each other. Each person will express his or her love in a different way. Some will be extravagant with cards, roses, chocolates and dinner while others may be more conservative with a simple “I love you”.

But God has a greater love than all of this! It’s a special type of love called “agape” love. It is an extravagant, selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love that God expresses towards us continually. No matter who we are or what we have done, God wants us to know and believe that He loves us this way. God is full and overflowing with agape love for YOU right now.

What is even more amazing is this: as we soak and bathe in God’s extravagant agape love we will discover that we are actually abiding in Him.  As His love abides in us it oozes through every fibre of our being reaching out to our family, friends and the world.

This week make a choice to abide in God’s agape love. You will then discover His extravagant love abiding in you.

Where to now Lord?

Micah 6:8 “…And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” [NIV]

Do you ever have difficulty discovering exactly what God wants you to do in life? Do you feel continually lost and disorientated? God doesn’t want us to live this way!  His will for our life can be discovered from today’s verse. It’s so easy and simple to apply.

There are only 3 simple things God ALWAYS requires of us:

  1. To Act justly
  2. To Love mercy
  3. To Walk humbly with Him

These 3 things are never just a “one time” event. God asks us to do them our entire life. He simply asks for our obedience to His Word and to love Him with all that is within us.

Its not our job to plan out every moment of our life – that’s God’s job! Our part is to trust God as we walk humbly with Him.  Even when we don’t understand God says to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him.

 Remember understanding never supersedes trust.

 Worry and fear cease when we apply these 3 simply keys. Decide today to act justly, love mercy and walk in humility with GOD. Let God take care of the rest and open up your future for you!