“In that way, whatever happens to one member happens to all. If one suffers, everyone suffers. If one is honored, everyone rejoices”
1 Corinthians 12:26
With the right resources, anyone can shape their future. It’s when something vital is missing that our future is slowed or impaired. But when everything is available & functioning our future, hope & purpose produce a strong & unstoppable future.
Today’s verse is a reminder that we desperately need each OTHER in the body of Christ. God’s design is that we depend on our brothers and sisters during both the good times & bad. Our future is dependent on OTHER healthy and functioning parts of Christ’s Church assisting us. We need each other to help each other.
The parts of the body that are hurting most, must in due course, get healed and whole. This is accomplished as OTHERS get involved to help get them fit again. Healing can be painful at times but when healing occurs every part of the body flourishes. We all enter into celebration as one.
This week lets get healthy in God’s Word? Let’s take good care of ourselves spirit, soul and body. Rather than hurting others, let’s help them instead. The healthier we are, the healthier OTHERS around us will be. We’ll produce a healthier, happier & stronger church. As we affect OTHERS in Christ’s Body, through selflessly helping them, we all get to rejoice together.