Remember Me…

1 Chronicles 16:15 “REMEMBER his covenant forever–the commitment he made to a thousand generations.” [NLT]

Today, more than ever, we are to REMEMBER to fill our mind with God’s Word. Our memory is to be overflowing with His covenant, which are His promises.  This is because God’s promises are eternal. They will exist forever, all the way through eternity. When we REMEMBER His eternal promises and speak of them we have God’s commitment, His undertaking, that they will be fulfilled in our life.

How do we know this to be true? This verse tells us that God made a commitment to a thousand generations. That is over 20,000 years of commitment from God. It is a very long time. The exciting thing about this is that we live in this 20,000 year time period. This means God has committed to keeping His promises with you and with me NOW! We just need to do one thing… REMEMBER His covenant.

This week REMEMBER God’s promises, His covenant. Let them work through your mind and out of your mouth. They will fill your life and release eternal fruit!