My House…

Isaiah 56:7 …my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

We enjoy our house. It suits our family and people often visit and spend time with us. We made our house just the way we like it. Our house is well suited to our family and what we do. It is Glenn & Esther’s House.

Today’s verse lets us know that God has a house too. It is a house designed by God to function His way. It is a place where His family comes together. It is a dwelling place where His people want to be. It is God’s House.

So, what makes God’s house a house of prayer is simply His people praying. Prayer should be the number one occurrence in his House. Without it God’s House would be just another place like a club or a cafe. It is prayer that makes it His house!

That’s right, it takes born again believers praying to make it a house of prayer. As a part of God’s family we must set our sights on becoming a people of prayer. The key to becoming this people of prayer is that we must first become a person of prayer.

This week let’s build God’s House by taking our personal prayer life to a whole new level. As we become a person of prayer then His House will become a House of prayer. It will help to strengthen and equip us in overcoming every struggle we face in life.

Make this your week to grow in God through prayer.