A Strong Year…

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot understand what God has done from beginning to end.”

Soon fireworks will be bursting in the sky, trumpets will be blaring and everyone will be celebrating the new year. For many it will be just another event but, for those who choose, it can become a defining moment in their journey with God.

Our family always enter the new year on a strong foot. We make sure that God is central and pivotal at the start so he remains the focus for the whole year, not just the day. Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help make this coming year strong and stable for you.

It gives 3 powerful keys on how to enter this new season:

  1. Don’t rush
  2. Search your heart
  3. Trust God

Don’t rush – Everything we do doesn’t have to be accomplished in one day. Some things take time. If we allow time to do its work then God will ensure that everything becomes beautiful.

Search your heart – Remember that God has planted eternity in our hearts. It makes good sense that we should search our heart and get an eternal prospective on our plans. Make a habit of checking every plan with God and you will have great success ahead.

Trust God – Ensure that your trust is in God. He knows the beginning from the end and every step in-between. There is no one trustworthier than God. When we put our trust in Him our lives stand on a solid and sure foundation.

We believe that 2013 is going to be the best year yet for you. Making God the central and pivotal point at the start is a simple key to having a strong year!

Building Strong Families…

Psalm 103:17 “But the Lord’s love for those who respect him continues forever and ever, and his goodness continues to their grandchildren”

The foundations under any building are what cause it to stand strong. If they are faulty or inferior they won’t fully support the structure that is built upon them. If foundations are weak, they will almost certainly fail at sometime in the future.

Everyone wants their family to be strong and functional. Our verse teaches us how to build the strong foundation needed to achieve this. It says that as we show respect to God He pours out His love and goodness on us. But it goes further than that. He keeps pouring this love and goodness out onto our children and our grandchildren. Now that’s a strong foundation to build under any family!

It is not difficult to show respect to God. As we are obedient to His Word and live life the way the bible says our lives transform from being self-centered to being God-focused. We become a vessel of worship to Him and He responds by pouring His love and goodness into the future generations of our families.

This week why not strengthen the foundations of your family and effect the coming generations. As we make a choice to do things God’s way we cause His love and goodness to flood over us, our children and our children’s children. A strong foundation will be formed that will enable our families to stand strong through any storm. Prepare now for a strong family in the future!

My House…

Isaiah 56:7 …my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

We enjoy our house. It suits our family and people often visit and spend time with us. We made our house just the way we like it. Our house is well suited to our family and what we do. It is Glenn & Esther’s House.

Today’s verse lets us know that God has a house too. It is a house designed by God to function His way. It is a place where His family comes together. It is a dwelling place where His people want to be. It is God’s House.

So, what makes God’s house a house of prayer is simply His people praying. Prayer should be the number one occurrence in his House. Without it God’s House would be just another place like a club or a cafe. It is prayer that makes it His house!

That’s right, it takes born again believers praying to make it a house of prayer. As a part of God’s family we must set our sights on becoming a people of prayer. The key to becoming this people of prayer is that we must first become a person of prayer.

This week let’s build God’s House by taking our personal prayer life to a whole new level. As we become a person of prayer then His House will become a House of prayer. It will help to strengthen and equip us in overcoming every struggle we face in life.

Make this your week to grow in God through prayer.

Your Time to Flourish…

1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.”

Have you ever been in a circumstance where you think to yourself a third hand would be really helpful right now? It doesn’t matter what the situation, we all have times when we need help to successfully complete our assignment.

We must remember that we are each created to be dependent on other people. Every person, no matter how competent, needs help. We are each limited physically, intellectually and spiritually. That is why God created us to work with others. It is the very reason that He surrounded us with family, friends, colleagues and spiritual leaders.

As we all work together, each doing our part, an amazing thing happens. God makes that seed grow. That’s right, He is then able to make our tasks flourish, grow and produce fruit! I’m ready for that, how about you?

This week let’s set our sights on flourishing in God by finding the right people to team up with and take on life’s big challenges. This will activate the principle of growth over our lives. Once our part is done then God is able to complete His part. We will soon discover ourselves surrounded by growth. We will experience the sweet fruit of success. God will cause our lives to flourish like never before.