A New Year Promise….

“Forget what happened in the past, and do not ponder on old events”
Isaiah 43:18

For some this year has been amongst their best ever. For others this year ranks as one of their worst. This year contained many incidents & events that have forged many memories. When we think about this year these memories flood our thoughts and ignite our emotions. Some people would love another year exactly the same whilst others would prefer a year filled with the complete opposite. The good news is a new year is upon us and how we enter it will determine the direction we’ll take.

Today’s verse lets us know God’s way for believers to head into His future plan and purpose. He let’s us know we need to do 2 very important things:

1] Forget what’s happened in our past [Both good & bad]
2] Stop thinking about old events [Both good & bad]

In other words we’re told to put everything from our past into the past. We’re to stop continually resurrecting it and attempting to breath life into it. There’s no use hoping the past will change… it never will!

The next verse in Isaiah instructs us to look to God because He is about to do something new! The truth is if all we ever do is remember our past & think about old events then it’s impossible for us to look forward to our future. This future contains all the new things God has for us. He wants to fulfill every single one of His promises [2 Corinthians 1:20] and overflow our lives with His plan, future & Hope [Jeremiah 29:11].

This week let’s release ourselves from our past before the New Year arrives. Lets forget about what’s happened to us & lets stop thinking about old unchangeable events. Instead let’s put our focus on God and His Word. Lets enter this New Year equipped to conquer every mountain & every obstacle before us. We’ll not only be conquerors, we’ll also have God’s joy, hope and purpose throughout the coming year.

Name Change…

“No longer shall your name be called Abram, But your name shall be Abraham; For I have made you…” Genesis 17:5

Our name is what we’re known & recognized by. Growing up we hear, “That’s just like Sally” or “There goes Johnny the mechanic” Our name becomes a reflection of what we’ve done & who we were. People will greet us, refer to us and get our attention simply by using our name. Even when we alter what we do our name remains.

In today verse we see God changing a name, Abram to Abraham. No longer was Abraham to be referred to in the old way. We’re told that God had made him into something new. His new name reflects God’s promises & his future rather than his dysfunction & his past.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says when we’re born again old things are passed away and all things are become new” All things include our name. The old meaning of our name is dead and a new meaning has begun. No longer does our name reflect our past failures and defeats. No longer does it label us with what we did or did not do. Our name now reflects and labels us with the promises God has made us. He’s made us victorious [Romans 8:37], He’s given us future and hope [Jeremiah 29:11] and we are blessed [Ephesians 1:3].

This week lets release the old meaning of our name and pick up the new. Let’s walk with our head held high as the child of God we are. Let’s be known and recognized by the promises God has spoken over us. Our name may sound the same but what it reflects is what God had made us rather than what our past has branded us.


“Abraham believed in the God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence those things that do not exist” Romans 4:17

Most people want what they see. If they’re watching a cooking show on TV they want that food. If they see a sporty car in a glossy magazine it’s the one they need. Large companies and movie studios make use of this weakness to advertise and sell products to many people. It works for them but it’s not how God’s Kingdom functions.

Today’s verse shows us clearly God’s way to move ahead in life. We’re told to believe, trust, commit & have faith in God. We’re to look at nothing else but God to form our future. He’ll cause life to enter where only death has been. He’ll cause darkness to flee as light enters in. He’ll ensure that every stench leaves our life and that the aroma of heaven remains.

We’re also told that God calls into existence things that don’t already exist. He did it in creation [Genesis 1] and He’s still doing it today. He’s speaking over our lives so they’ll become exactly what they’re meant to be [Jeremiah 29:11]. Rather than looking at what’s wrong around us let’s speak out our God’s future and let His Word form life’s road ahead.

This week let’s begin to re-fashion our future God’s way rather than the worlds. Let’s take our eyes off what we see and start speaking God’s Word to what needs to change. Before long we’ll notice life begin to adjust with new things existing where they never existed before. Simply believe, trust and speak God’s Word and get ready for a great future.