All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished
Luke 2:18
In Australian slang a “Pearler” is something that’s really impressive. So, if something goes beyond the norm, is better than could be expected or stands out in any way it’s a “pearler”. If someone tells a big, almost unbelievable story it’s called a “real pearler” but only if it’s true.
Today’s verse tells us about an almost unbelievable story that was told by the Shepherds. Every part of their story was true but it sounded like a real pearler. The story was about an angelic visitation & Jesus the Messiah whom they had seen. It must have sounded unbelievable because everyone who heard it was astonished. But every part was true. It was just as the angels had told them [Luke 2:20].
Every born-again Christian has a real pearler of a story to tell but few are willing or bold enough to share it. Right now, people are looking, wanting our life’s results in their future. So why are we holding back? Why don’t we simply tell them the truth? [John 8:32] Share with them how encountering & receiving Jesus has set you up to win in life. Then get ready for them to be astonished.
Make this week is your week to tell a real pearler; an almost unbelievable but true story about what Jesus has done your life. Don’t miss out anything. Include every mountaintop & every valley. Explain how the impossible became possible. How Jesus saves, heals & delivers us into a real pearler of a future. Then get ready for them to be astonished.