No Longer Religion…

Acts 10:1-2 “There was a man in the city of Caesarea by the name of Cornelius. He was a captain of an Italian group of the army. He and his family were good people and honored God. He gave much money to the people and prayed always to God.”

The bible says Cornelius was a good man who greatly respected God and treated Him with honour, obedience and he gave generous amounts of money to people as he prayed continually.

As we continue to read about Cornelius, we find that God came to him in a vision because of his respect, his honour, his obedience, his prayers and his generous giving. In the vision, God laid out how everything that Cornelius was doing was releasing salvation and healing to his household.

But that’s not all… God also brought the Apostle Peter, a mighty man of God, into Cornelius’ home to release the power of God right into his situation.  Are you getting excited?  We sure are! See how obedience to God and giving generously to support His work on earth releases the power of God into our everyday situations.

Sound amazing?  Well it gets even better.  When the angel of the Lord showed up to Cornelius in the vision, the angel told Cornelius that his prayers and his generous giving were coming up as a MEMORIAL before God! [Acts 10:4]

Your obedience and giving makes a MEMORIAL before God…WOW! Why not become a MEMORIAL builder this week through your obedience and generosity. Partner with Spirit Word [click here] and be like Cornelius in these verses… God has power to release into your world today!