The Tough Get Going…

James 1:12 “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. The reward is life and more life for those who are loyally in love with God.”

Looking at a garden on a hot day reveals the plants that are up to a challenge and those that are not. Some plants wilt and quickly dry up never to be seen again. Others simply stand strong and stick out the heat. These are the ones that continue to have life.

Some people wilt like a plant in the heat whenever a challenge comes their way. Others rise up, meeting challenges head-on, sticking them out to the end. This verse calls them “mighty fortunate” and says they are rewarded with life and more life. Why? Simply because they got tough and rose to the challenge, sticking it out to the end.

There is only one-way to meet a challenge head-on: by being loyal and in love with God. As we do this, above everything else, we become equipped to succeed no matter how hot or desperate the battle becomes. When it’s over we get rewarded with so much more life than we had before.

Let’s meet our challenges head-on this week. Let’s not wilt and die but rather gain abundant life by simply obeying our verse. Remember the challenge is worth winning so that we receive our reward. Whenever we’re loyal to God and His Word, every challenge we meet head-on is sure to produce abundant life!


Don’t Miss Your Reward…

Philippians 3:15-16 “So let’s keep FOCUSED on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—YOU’LL SEE IT yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.” [MSG]

Today, more than ever, if we want to live in everything God has for us… we need to stay FOCUSED on the goal. The goal is the target of our high call, our purpose in Jesus Christ. This goal includes everything God has planned for us. When we are totally committed to focusing on the goal… we will SEE IT. If life seems a little blurry or misted over, when we choose to focus on heavens goal, this verse let’s us know that clarity will come. YOU WILL SEE IT!!!

Guard your mind closely and don’t let misled people build doubt in your house.
Don’t let those who have blurred vision, distract you from your goal… especially those who are on the wrong track. Instead be FOCUSED and pursue the vision God has put in your heart.

So don’t forget this week, set your focus on God’s goal for your life, stay FOCUSED and once you’re on the right track don’t change it for any reason… you will move towards your reward and receive everything God has planned for you!

Set your focus today!