The Return Policy…

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

Have you ever received a gift that was completely unsuitable? Then you discover that the store has a return policy. When you take your gift in they will exchange it for something you can really use. You leave with what you actually need.

This verse lets us know that we don’t have to accept every gift that is offered to us. In fact God has a super exchange policy that is available to every believer. He says that if we ever receive the spirit of fear we can come to him and exchange it for power, love and a sound mind. Now that’s a great deal!

Often the spirit of fear tries to blow into our life. It leaves cowardice, timidity, fear and intimidation as gifts for us. These gifts DO NOT come from God, so we don’t want them. We need to exchange them for things that we can always use. God says he will give us explosive spiritual power, agape love and a disciplined self-controlled mind whenever we exchange them with him. Now that’s a great deal!

This week let’s make this great exchange. Come to God with you unwanted gifts of cowardice, timidity, fear and intimidation and exchange them for His gifts of power, love and a sound mind. You will appreciate them and use them continually. You’ll be so glad you swapped them!