The Storm Advantage…

Psalm 107:29 “He hushes the STORM to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are STILL.” [AMP]

Are there STORMS against your life at the moment?
Have STORMS ever battered and surged against everything you know and believe?

One thing is for sure… God knows exactly what to do with STORMS! This is part of who He is and His promise toward us.

God says He will hush the STORM to a calm, then down to a gentle whisper and then He finalizes it to STILLNESS. A storm does not instantly change from fury to a calm sea… it is always a process! The three steps from our key verse show us the road to peace in the storms of our life… first the calm, then the gentle whisper and finally the STILL.

A real lifesaver to surviving the many storms of life is simple but true… don’t follow them! Instead follow the calm and the PEACE. If you follow the storms in life you will never have PEACE. But when you follow God’s calm He will lead you to stillness and peace. God’s presence is in this calm and we must follow Him to live in peace.

God Himself invites you to follow His PEACE and allow him to calm and STILL the storms of life… You’ll be glad you did!