Greater and Greater…

1 Chronicles 11:9 “So David waxed greater and greater: for the LORD of hosts was with him.” [KJV]

Whenever God is with someone or something it will grow to be greater and greater. Now this verse uses the word “waxed”. It means to expand, increase and enlarge. Whatever you are doing for the Lord it has the potential to expand greater and greater, increase greater and greater and enlarge greater and greater. This happens simply because the Lord of hosts is with you.

Each of us passes through seasons where it seems like things are not increasing like we think they should. These are often the winter seasons of our lives. They are times where everything seems dormant but in reality these times enable us to rest and refresh for the upcoming season of growth and fruitfulness that is arriving next.

Just as David waxed greater and greater, we can wax greater and greater because the Lord of hosts is with us. As we unreservedly follow Jesus, He makes each one of us so much stronger than we were 2 years ago, 1 year ago or even 6 months ago. Why? As God is with us He proves His greatness in our lives making it greater and greater.

This week seek to expand, increase and enlarge in your knowledge, understanding and intimacy with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit and allow Him to cause you to become greater and greater!!!