A Winner Never Quits…

Revelation 2:26 “Here’s the reward I have for every CONQUEROR, everyone who keeps at it, REFUSING to give up: You’ll RULE the nations” [MSG]

Success starts with keeping at it and refusing to give up! Don’t let circumstances keep you from moving ahead. Simply keep a forward moving momentum in life, REFUSE to give up and you will conquer and be given rule in the nations.

Now this is not a promise exclusively for the preacher or for certain ‘special’ Christians. It is available for every CONQUEROR! God is no respecter of persons and gives us all the opportunity to RULE and have authority over nations.

Remember, all we have to do is keep moving forward in the will of God, refuse to quit and we will conquer in both the big and small things to receive all of His promised rewards.

A rewarding future awaits you… DON’T GIVE UP!