God’s Talking…

Numbers 23:19 “God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it”

Have you ever told people the truth only to have them not believe you? It can be devastating but as time passes, and good fruit shows, everything turns around. Those who didn’t believe you often become your greatest cheerleaders.

Today’s verse states 4 important facts:


  • Tells NO LIES

We must understand that God’s pleasure is that we believe Him and His word. Often people humanize God to have similar weaknesses and failures to themselves. The fact is our God is not weak in any area. He is stable, sure and true!

This is why we can be 100% obedient to God’s Word. It will produce everything that it says. There are no lies and no changes. Exactly what God says is what will happen. We can bind our lives to Him and have success as we obey His Word.

This week let’s work on any lingering areas of doubts that we may hold towards God’s Word. Dig them out of our lives by telling them the truth… “God said it, I believe it and I’m going to do it.” Keep speaking to them until they line up with His Word. Doubt will flee and the strength of God will enter in and before long our fruit will be displaying the truth of God in every arena of our lives.

A Winner Never Quits…

Revelation 2:26 “Here’s the reward I have for every CONQUEROR, everyone who keeps at it, REFUSING to give up: You’ll RULE the nations” [MSG]

Success starts with keeping at it and refusing to give up! Don’t let circumstances keep you from moving ahead. Simply keep a forward moving momentum in life, REFUSE to give up and you will conquer and be given rule in the nations.

Now this is not a promise exclusively for the preacher or for certain ‘special’ Christians. It is available for every CONQUEROR! God is no respecter of persons and gives us all the opportunity to RULE and have authority over nations.

Remember, all we have to do is keep moving forward in the will of God, refuse to quit and we will conquer in both the big and small things to receive all of His promised rewards.

A rewarding future awaits you… DON’T GIVE UP!

Promise Keepers…

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” [NKJV]

This verse is a fundamental truth of the Bible. If this happened to be the only verse that we had concerning God it would be more than enough for you and I to prosper and succeed in every arena of life. It encapsulates the character and nature of our creator.

Our God is stable in everything. He does not lie. He never does anything that needs Him to repent. He does exactly what He says He will do and if He makes a promise, He keeps it. This is such a contrast from how mankind has turned out. Now days it proves very difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is not, who will do what they say and who will fulfill their promises? Life at times can be a minefield to navigate because of how dubious humanity can be.

God is a Rock, a firm foundation for us to build our lives upon. Man can lie and repent but not our God. If God says something He will always do it. When He speaks something He will always make it good. Our strength and trust in God comes from this verse. We must not look to man for answers but ALWAYS set our gaze, heart and desire on God – He will never fail us.

This week take the promises that God has spoken personally to you. Write them on a piece of paper if you like. Then speak and proclaim Numbers 23:19 over them declaring Gods character and nature over them in Jesus name.

Let Go & Let Go…

Psalm 37:5-6 “Open up before God, KEEP NOTHING BACK; he’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with APPROVAL at high noon. [Message]

Each day we need to make a conscience decision to open up every area of our lives and be vulnerable before God. We must share with our father in heaven what we can’t share with anyone else. Disappointments, hurts, embarrassments and of course our celebrations. He wants us to KEEP NOTHING BACK from Him. Don’t hold back your emotions, thoughts, feelings, tears or joy. Instead let it loose and let God take a hold of every secret place you have.

When we open up, holding nothing back from Him then He promises three results…

  1. He’ll do whatever needs to be done
  2. He will validate us [support & make things right]
  3. He will make sure we’re seen as approved by every one. It will be done at high noon in the brightest part of the clearest day not in a secret hidden ceremony in the dark.

This is such a potent and powerful verse to walk in this week. KEEP NOTHING BACK from God from this day forward and release Him to let His APPROVAL shine through your life for all to see.