Not Everything Changes…

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
Hebrews 13:8

Everything seems to be changing. Many of our favourite brands seem to be disappearing daily at the market whilst our technology seems to need updating constantly. There’s a continual stream of announcements about changed rules & rulers, everything seems insecure. With all these changes we must find stability.

Today’s verse lets us know that the only stability in life comes from Jesus. He is the same yesterday & today & forever. Without Jesus we’d be swept into a maelstrom of change that would seem unbearable & unliveable. The anchor of our lives must be Jesus. He is unchangeable so that we can have stability & peace on our journey forward.

This doesn’t mean that we should let our lives stagnate. We must always be open and ready for change to happen. When things do change we must look to Jesus to find stability in the change. Even when life seems chaotic or out of control, Jesus is always our stability. He gives us continuity & opportunity for our future. Jesus is stable, the same yesterday & today & forever!

This week let’s find our stability in Jesus. No matter what storm or unsteadiness comes our way let’s make Jesus our strong foundation [1 Corinthians 3:11]. Let’s build our lives His way so that they’re stable. Let’s live our lives His way so that they’re steady. Let’s keep holding onto His promises so we’re able to enter a great future that’s filled with hope & joy


Let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life
1 Peter1:15

In a game of tug-a-war it’s not always the strongest side that wins. Tug-a-war is as much about strategy as it is about strength. In the game each team gathers on their respective sides, tension the rope and pull. With sure footing, endurance and proven tactics the winners are the ones who perform the best.

Today’s verse reminds us that the team we’re on, God’s team, gives us what we need to perform the best. We’ve got sure footing [1 Corinthians 3:11], endurance [Matthew 24:13] and proven tactics [Psalm 18:30]. When we’re in a battle these things will cause us to win. They’ll leave us with a victorious life that is shaped like God’s. But if we don’t allow God’s Word to pull & shape us, we’ll lose the victorious life we’re meant to live.

These days losing focus of a Godly life is easy. The world barrages us with images, voices and a culture that tries to influence us into an ungodly life. This verse is a reminder that God’s life has an even stronger pull. But we must let ourselves be pulled & shaped by it. This will take continual decisions based on our sure footing [1 Corinthians 3:11], endurance [Matthew 24:13] and proven tactics [Psalm 18:30].

This week lets decide afresh that God’s way is the only way to live a victorious life. When we’re in a tug-a-war that’s trying to drag us away from Him lets stand firm, endure and use His promises to pull us into His way of living. Before long the battle will be over, the victory will be ours and the future will seem so much better than the past. We’ll be pulled into a life that’s energetic and blazing with holiness.

Don’t Crumble…

“For no one can lay any FOUNDATION other than the one already laid, which is JESUS Christ.”
1 Corinthians 3:11

Every building has FOUNDATIONS designed to carry a specific load. If the foundation is overloaded it’ll ultimately fail, break down & destroy the whole building. This is why the foundations of large buildings take so long to construct. They need to be strong, sure & capable of carrying what is placed upon them.

Today’s verse reminds us that there is only one sure FOUNDATION that’ll carry the load of you and your family. Jesus is that FOUNDATION. He can support everything including our calling & our destiny. He’ll support the maximum load that we put on Him. No matter what burden, no matter what sorrow, no matter what fear… Jesus can carry & support it for us. He’ll never allow us to fail, break down or be destroyed.

Jesus is the only FOUNDATION suitable for us to build upon. His FOUNDATION will not crack and will never crumble. His FOUNDATION has already been laid and it’s ready to be built upon right now. Don’t build on anything lesser than Jesus. People, jobs & financial security are unable to hold us securely and will ultimately fail. Only Jesus can support & carry us faithfully into our future.

This week let’s build on the foundation of Jesus. He is more than able to carry every load & burden we have in life. Let’s take the heavy weights from our lives & lay them on the FOUNDATION that is JESUS Christ. Let allow Him to carry them for us. He is the only foundation that can securely support our future.

Unstable Times…

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”
Hebrews 13:8

In this day & age everything seems to be changing. Our favorite brands seem to be disappearing daily at the market whilst our technology seems to need updating constantly. There’s a continual stream of announcements about changed rules & rulers but everything seems insecure. With all this change we must find stability.

Today’s verse lets us know that the only stability in life comes from Jesus. He is the same yesterday & today & forever. Without Him we’d be swept into a maelstrom of change that would seem unbearable & unlivable. Jesus must be the anchor of our lives. He is unchangeable so we can have stability & peace on our journey forward.

This doesn’t mean that we should let our lives stagnate. We must always be open and ready for change. As change happens we must look to Jesus to find our stability. Even when life seems chaotic or out of control, Jesus is still our stability. He gives us continuity & opportunity for our future. Jesus is stable – the same yesterday and today and forever!

This week lets find our stability with Jesus. No matter what storm or unsteadiness comes our way let’s make Jesus our strong foundation [1 Corinthians 3:11]. Let’s build our lives His way so that they’re stable. Let’s live our lives His way so that they’re steady. Let’s keep holding onto His promises so we can enter a great future that’s filled with hope & joy.


“Let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life”
1 Peter1:15

In a game of tug-a-war it’s not always the strongest side that wins. Tug-a-war is as much about strategy as it is about strength. In the game each team gathers on their respective sides, tension the rope and pull. With sure footing, endurance and proven tactics the winners are the ones who perform the best.

Today’s verse reminds us that the team we’re on, God’s team, gives us what we need to perform the best. We’ve got sure footing [1 Corinthians 3:11], endurance [Matthew 24:13] and proven tactics [Psalm 18:30]. Whenever we’re in a battle they’ll cause us to win. They’ll leave us with a victorious life that is shaped like God’s. But if we don’t allow God’s Word to pull & shape us we’ll lose the victorious life we’re meant to live.

Losing focus of a Godly life these days is easy. The world barrages us with images, voices and a culture that tries to influence us into an ungodly life. This verse reminds us that God’s life has an even stronger pull. But we must let ourselves be pulled & shaped by it. This will take continual decisions based on our sure footing [1 Corinthians 3:11], endurance [Matthew 24:13] and proven tactics [Psalm 18:30].

This week lets decide afresh that God’s way is the only way to live a victorious life. When we’re in a tug-a-war that’s trying to drag us away from Him lets stand firm, endure and use His promises to pull us into His way of living. Before long the battle will be over, the victory will be ours and the future will seem so much better than the past. We’ll be pulled into a life that’s energetic and blazing with holiness.