Happy Days…

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be happy in it.”

If we create something, we like to think that whoever receives it will enjoy it. This is not always the case. There is nothing gloomier than getting an ungrateful response from someone. The gift had no fault but the recipient did. Today’s verse shows us how we should receive the gift of time that God gives us.

Everybody has 365 days a year and God creates each one. No matter what day it is, as born again believers, we have an escape to the suffering and struggles that others accept. We decide exactly how we will live each day. My decision is always: “As for me and my house we will rejoice and be happy 365 days a year.”

Now I know you want days filled with happiness and rejoicing as well. The fact is that they are not difficult to create. Simply ensure that you follow Psalm 118’s two instructions:

  1. Acknowledge that God has made this day
  2. Make a firm decision to rejoice and be happy in it

Before you know it life will turn around. The mountains of discontent and worry that stood before you will come down. The light of a brand new day will flood your soul. You will begin to experience future and hope like never before. When this happens let others know that these happy days can be theirs as well, just like they are yours.

Your Time for Revelation…

Nehemiah 8:18 ” Ezra read from the Book of The Revelation of God each day, from the first to the last day…” [MSG]

As we get hungry our body starts yearning food. The longer we ignore this feeling the more our body craves nourishment. Some people may get the shakes; others get a little short in their temper. The fact is our bodies need food.

In Nehemiah 8 we see the priest Ezra spiritually feeding the people of God. He is distributing revelation from God’s Word to all the hungry masses. He does it faithfully from the first day to the last. This shows us that it takes time to receive revelation from God’s Word. But, once received, we have solid steps built into our future!

In our busy culture we don’t always stop long enough to fully hunger for revelation from God. We often push down the desire that we have for it. The plain truth is that we need to make time each day to get deeper into God’s Word.

So, why not set aside a little extra time over the next 7 days just to hunger for revelation from His Word. Do it every day from the first day to the last. As you are faithful in this you will be surprised at how much revelation and help you will receive from God.