God Called You

1 Thessalonians 5:24 “The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!” [MSG]

As a child whenever my mother called me, even in a crowded room, I recognized her voice and knew that I had to respond straightaway. In a similar way, as we grow in God, we get to know His voice. When He calls us, we hear and should respond.

Now, it is very easy to ignore God’s voice when He calls. We can disregard it, pretending not to hear Him. We can hold our strong desire to respond deep within us. But why do we do that? Why don’t we just respond?

Our verse clearly states that when He calls us He is completely dependable to complete what He said. “If he said it, he’ll do it!” We shouldn’t allow our fears, inadequacies and past hurts to colour the clear voice of God in our lives!

This week let’s all remember that God is completely dependable – no matter what happens. Know that He will produce exactly what He has spoken to you! It is His personal promise to us.

Why not make this your VICTORY CRY for the week… “If he said it, he’ll do it!”