Help Me Please…

Hebrews 2:16 “We also know that the Son did not come to HELP angels; he came to HELP the descendants of Abraham.” [NLT]

Have you ever needed HELP? I need it a lot.  A day seldom passes where I haven’t required HELP in some way.  Its just part of life… we all need HELP time and again. So where do we go to get our HELP? The answer is simple: Jesus!

Jesus is our HELP and Jesus came to HELP us!

That’s absolutely right, Jesus came to HELP you too! Both you and I are the descendants of Abraham through Jesus. We are the people that Jesus came to HELP. We are told that He didn’t come to HELP angels, he could have, but he didn’t. Angels like Michael and Gabriel get HELP from elsewhere but we, get HELP, directly from Jesus.

Jesus came to HELP you!

Here are three simple keys to getting HELP from Jesus:

  1. The Name of Jesus [Phil 2:10]
  2. The Blood of Jesus [REV 12:11]
  3. The Word of God [EPH 6:17]

This week focus on getting your HELP from Jesus. Go to him every day, every hour or every minute… He’s here for you. You will never exhaust the supply of HELP that He has just for you!