Safe and Protected…

Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Those who do what is right can run to him for protection.”

I like looking at the picture that shows a tall lighthouse with huge waves smashing around it. The tower stands tall and solid while the ocean beats at it trying to destroy it.

That image always reminds me of Proverbs 18:10. It says that the Lord’s name is like this strong tower. It is a place that is immovable, safe and protected no matter what comes against it. It is a safe place where we can escape the violent storms of life and gain respite in times of difficulty.

Now, the key to entering our tower of protection is very simple. As we do things God’s way, the right way, we get access 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. We can run there no matter what is threatening us. We’re never shut out or excluded when we do things God’s way.

There will be times in life when we must run into His protection. He wouldn’t have provide it if we didn’t need it. So no matter what is threatening us, trying to wear us down or plans to destroy us God’s Tower of Protection is open for access. At these times RUN into His protection and everything will be OK!

Healing Jesus…

Philippians 2:9 “Because of this, God has also greatly exalted him and he has given him The Name which is greater than all names…”

Today, I sit writing this email in a medical library. There are hundreds of thousands of books stacked on row after row of shelves. They are all filled with information about sickness, disease and infirmities. They cover being unwell in the physical, mental and spiritual realms.

Now, remember that Adam was entrusted by God to name His creations in Genesis 2. Ever since then mankind has given names to everything they discover. Nothing exists that we will not name. So, as I survey this library of books filled with words, I laugh to myself. We have just one word, one name that is above all the multiplied millions of ailments named. We have the name of Jesus!

This is the truth of the GOOD NEWS of the gospel. EVERY knee must bow to the name of Jesus. Every sickness, disease or infirmities must admit defeat. Jesus has already won the victory over them. The battle is already finished!

Are you ready to prepare for a victorious week? We need to take this GOOD NEWS and wage war with it. Lets speak the faith filled name of Jesus against whatever ails us, never taking “no” for an answer. We’ll be staring victory in the face before we know it.

Remember that we continue in pray for you daily. We know that God’s best is pursuing you into your future.

Help Me Please…

Hebrews 2:16 “We also know that the Son did not come to HELP angels; he came to HELP the descendants of Abraham.” [NLT]

Have you ever needed HELP? I need it a lot.  A day seldom passes where I haven’t required HELP in some way.  Its just part of life… we all need HELP time and again. So where do we go to get our HELP? The answer is simple: Jesus!

Jesus is our HELP and Jesus came to HELP us!

That’s absolutely right, Jesus came to HELP you too! Both you and I are the descendants of Abraham through Jesus. We are the people that Jesus came to HELP. We are told that He didn’t come to HELP angels, he could have, but he didn’t. Angels like Michael and Gabriel get HELP from elsewhere but we, get HELP, directly from Jesus.

Jesus came to HELP you!

Here are three simple keys to getting HELP from Jesus:

  1. The Name of Jesus [Phil 2:10]
  2. The Blood of Jesus [REV 12:11]
  3. The Word of God [EPH 6:17]

This week focus on getting your HELP from Jesus. Go to him every day, every hour or every minute… He’s here for you. You will never exhaust the supply of HELP that He has just for you!