Caution Roadwork…

Philippians 1:6 “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished…”

When roadwork commence on a highway it’s easy to become frustrated. We have to slow down and crawl along while they work to upgrade the road. Eventually it is complete and we are speeding along in safety again. We soon forget that it had ever happened.

Likewise our verse tells us about the work God has planned in us. He says He has already started it and that it is going to continue. It will keep going until it is complete just like road works. At that time we will again speed along in life and get to the planned destination safely.

The powerful key to victory here is to never allow frustration to set in. God is doing a perfect work in us so we need to slow down and yield to His mighty hand. It may seem slow, bumpy and dirty but as soon as it’s complete we’ll forget the difficulty and frustration that was there. We’ll be speeding along with a smile on our face.

This week know that God is doing a work in you and in everyone around you. Decide not to react in frustration and anger but reach out to others with love and concern. As you do this you’ll reap the same back as a harvest in your life. Rather than people reacting to you they’ll be supporting you. Try it and see just how true the Word of God can be in your life.

3 Things We Should Always Do…

2 Timothy 4:7 “I have FOUGHT a good fight, I have FINISHED my course, I have kept the FAITH” [KJV]

Success in life takes more than just talent!  Paul allows us to see a little of his life in this verse. He lists three things that were vital to receiving His crown:

  1. He FOUGHT
  2. He FINISHED his course
  3. He kept the FAITH

Paul successfully completed his destiny in life and since God is no respecter of persons, we can use these same principles and obtain success.

As you can see, we must always FIGHT to move forward, we must FINISH what we have started and we must exercise FAITH in everything we do.

This week, let’s check our Christian walk and what we are pursuing to see if we are:

  1. FIGHTING or yielding to circumstance?  We must always fight and press to move forward.
  2. FINISHING what we have started? Don’t compare with others, finish your list!
  3. Exercising our FAITH in all we do? We cannot ride on the beliefs or faith of others we must pursue what the bible tells us to do.

Its time for action! Stay strong and have a great week in Jesus.