It’s Here Somewhere…

Mark 16:2 “And very early on the FIRST day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb.” [ESV]

Have you ever been searching for a treasured thing? You know it is buried under something, somewhere!  You become so excited when you finally locate it.

The people in our verse were on the hunt for something buried too! They were looking for Jesus. They were up very early, on the FIRST day of the week, before the sun had even risen… talk about enthusiastic! They were keen to locate Jesus so they PRIORITIZED Him… they found their treasure.

It’s true that there are dark places in everyone’s life. Places that we don’t want to let anyone into… not even Jesus. The truth is the freedom we search for is found when we allow Jesus to enter into and work in these areas.

It’s very easy to make this happen. All we need to do is PRIORITIZE Jesus. Make Him FIRST and put everything else second. There is always ample time to get Jesus involved… even if we have to search for him.

Right now schedule to meet with Jesus first; in the EARLY and even if it is still dark in your situation. Tell Jesus you want Him involved in every part of your life.   The same way they found Jesus in their situation you will too!

Build With Confidence…

Hebrews 3:4 ” For every house is built by someone, but He who BUILT all things is God.” [NKJV]

Built to last! Our family absolutely enjoys and is so thankful for the home that God has given to us. It was BUILT very well.

Think about it… A lot of what we look at each day like buildings, cars, furniture etc. men have BUILT. But lets take a closer look! God was involved long before any man BUILT anything. God created the raw materials and the ideas for everything we can see. No human can create; we can only BUILD from what God has already given. Only God can create and BUILD eternally and that’s a claim only He can make!

One thing is for sure… when we need the raw materials to construct our future we must find them in God first. God will show us what we need to BUILD for our future to last! Here are a few keys to help…

  • Need finances… we are to be generous – Luke 6:38
  • Need help… we are to help others – Ephesians 6:8
  • Need wisdom… we are to ask God for it – James 1:5
  • Don’t know what to do… do justly, love mercy and walk humbly – Micah 6:8

And we don’t stop there… we each need to BUILD God’s way for God has prepared all the raw materials so we can BUILD to last.

No matter what tomorrows need is… God has already prepared a supply!