Who’s Looking At You…

Psalms 101:6 “Mine eyes are on the faithful of the land, to dwell with me, whoso is walking in a perfect way, he serveth me.”[YLT]

I don’t know about you but when we go shopping our eyes are constantly looking for a good deal on what we’ve set out to buy. We do this so we don’t miss what we’re looking for. In the same way God’s eyes are looking for the faithful of the land.

Now the word “faithful” in this Psalm means “BUILDER UPPER or SUPPORTER.” So, God’s eyes are upon those who build up and support others. I want you to know that God is looking at us right now. We have caught the eyes of God. This happens because he wants to dwell with us. That is what building up and supporting others does – it makes God want to dwell with us.

The word “perfect” means “INTEGRITY and TRUTH.” When we walk in integrity and truth we get to serve God from our hearts, not just as an outward action. This is one of the simplest keys to serving God and keeping His eyes on us!

This week faithfully BUILD UP and SUPPORT others, walk in INTEGRITY and TRUTH knowing that God’s eyes are upon us. We will dwell with him and serve Him like we never thought possible.

Build With Confidence…

Hebrews 3:4 ” For every house is built by someone, but He who BUILT all things is God.” [NKJV]

Built to last! Our family absolutely enjoys and is so thankful for the home that God has given to us. It was BUILT very well.

Think about it… A lot of what we look at each day like buildings, cars, furniture etc. men have BUILT. But lets take a closer look! God was involved long before any man BUILT anything. God created the raw materials and the ideas for everything we can see. No human can create; we can only BUILD from what God has already given. Only God can create and BUILD eternally and that’s a claim only He can make!

One thing is for sure… when we need the raw materials to construct our future we must find them in God first. God will show us what we need to BUILD for our future to last! Here are a few keys to help…

  • Need finances… we are to be generous – Luke 6:38
  • Need help… we are to help others – Ephesians 6:8
  • Need wisdom… we are to ask God for it – James 1:5
  • Don’t know what to do… do justly, love mercy and walk humbly – Micah 6:8

And we don’t stop there… we each need to BUILD God’s way for God has prepared all the raw materials so we can BUILD to last.

No matter what tomorrows need is… God has already prepared a supply!


An Investment In Your Future…

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “So speak encouraging WORDS to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.” [MSG]

Do you have memories from school as teams where selected for sporting events? The greatest fear would be that you were left out, the last one to be picked or not selected to participate at all. God wants to change all that! His WORD says that no one is to be left out and no one is left behind. We are all to move constantly forward together.

Here’s how it works, by you and I consistently speaking encouraging WORDS and building hope in each other we will move forward together. We are told to not grow weary in our well doing. WORDS cost us absolutely nothing but can change a person’s life forever and produce eternally impacting results. Proverbs tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue, so God wants us to tame our tongues and enable other people to grow and be encouraged by our WORDS.

Zeal and enthusiasm are contagious… they fill people with hope! Get started today, use your WORDS to build up and include others… then just keep on doing it.