Possible Impossible…

But Jesus said, “You feed them…” 
Luke 9:13

I absolutely love Jesus! He gives such clear instruction. In this instance the disciples thought He was telling them to do something impossible. In reality Jesus had told them to do something that was difficult but not impossible. Jesus never asks us to do anything that is impossible.

Today’s verse is part of the feeding of the 5000. It explains exactly how to have victory over a difficult task…

  • He took what was available
  • He put His trust in heaven as His source
  • Prayed & commanded Blessing on what was in his hands

The result was that the little He held was multiplied & became more than enough to complete the task. It was a difficult task but it was not impossible.

It’s easy for us to feel challenged by God’s Word and what it instructs us to do. The fact is it may be difficult but it is never impossible. When we feel overwhelmed we’re to do as Jesus did…

  • Take what is available
  • Put our trust in Him as our source
  • Pray & command Blessing on what we have

Let’s apply this truth to our lives from today on. As we do we’ll begin to see the miraculous take place. We’ll receive more than enough to accomplish what may seem difficult and we’ll quickly discover that nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!

Never Impossible…

But Jesus said, “You feed them…”
Luke 9:13

Jesus gives such clear instruction. In this instance the disciples were told to feed the 5000. They thought Jesus was asking them to do something impossible. In reality Jesus had told them to do something that was difficult but not impossible. Jesus never asks us to do anything that is impossible.

Today’s verse gave Jesus an opportunity to demonstrate exactly how to have victory over a difficult task. Jesus took what was available then He put His trust in heaven as His source by praying & commanding the Blessing on what was in his hand. The result was that the little He held was multiplied and became more than enough to complete the task. It was a difficult task but it was not impossible.

It is easy for us to feel challenged by God’s Word and what it tells us to do. The fact is it’s often difficult to obey but it is never impossible. We must simply do as Jesus did. We take what is available, put our trust in Him as our source, then pray & command the Blessing on what we have. He will then supply more than enough to fulfill it even though it seems difficult.

This week lets apply this truth to our lives. Lets actually believe what the Bible says and lets do it. Let’s do exactly as Jesus did so we can begin to see the miraculous take place. As we work His word His Word will work in our lives. In no time at all we’ll discover that nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!

It is Possible…

Luke 9:13 But Jesus said, “You feed them…”

I absolutely love Jesus! He gives such clear instruction. In this instance the disciples thought He was telling them to do something impossible. In reality Jesus had told them to do something that was difficult but not impossible. Jesus never asks us to do anything that is impossible.

So, Jesus demonstrated here in the feeding of the 5000, exactly how to have victory over a difficult task…

  1. He took what was available
  2. He put His trust in heaven as His source
  3. Prayed & commanded Blessing on what was in his hands

The result was that the little He held was multiplied and became more than enough to complete the task. It was a difficult task but it was not impossible.

It is easy for us to feel challenged by God’s Word and what it instructs us to do. The fact is it may be difficult but it is never impossible.

When we feel overwhelmed we’re to do as Jesus did…

  1. Take what is available
  2. Put our trust in Him as our source
  3. Pray & command Blessing on what we have

The result will be multiplication to achieve the task. We will receive more than enough to accomplish it. Remember it may seem difficult but it will never be impossible.

Why not apply this truth from today on. As we do I believe we’ll begin to see the miraculous take place and we’ll quickly discover that nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!

It’s Never Impossible…

Luke 9:13 But Jesus said, “You feed them…”

I just love Jesus! He gives such clear instruction. In this instance the disciples thought He was telling them to do something impossible. In reality Jesus had told them to do something that was difficult but not impossible. Jesus never asks us to do anything that is impossible.

So, Jesus demonstrated exactly how to have victory over a difficult task…

  1. He took what was available
  2. He put His trust in heaven as His source
  3. Prayed & commanded Blessing on what was in his hands

The result was that the little He held was multiplied and became more than enough to complete the task. It was a difficult task but it was not impossible.

It is easy for us to feel challenged by God’s Word and what it tells us to do. The fact is it may be difficult but it is never impossible.

When we feel this way we are to do as Jesus did…

  1. Take what is available
  2. Put our trust in Him as our source
  3. Pray & command Blessing on what we have

The result will be multiplication to achieve the task. We will have more than enough to complete it. Remember it may seem difficult but it will never be impossible.

Why not apply this truth in our lives from today on. I believe we will begin to see the miraculous take place and we will discover that nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!