Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” [WEB]
Do you remember the foot races at school? It was always easier to finish when our team was cheering us on. Whenever we feel supported we naturally feel better and achieve more.
Our verse today reminds us that we have awe-inspiring support in a great cloud of witnesses. They are there just for us and as they cheer… we win! Today they are roaring, “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD – KEEP GOING!”
As you can see our victory comes from what we do with this support. God wants us to discard every weight and every clinging sin holding us back… they are too heavy for us anyway. By dropping them we obtain the freedom to run our race.
Why wait another day? Lets discard any discouragement; past failure or weighty sin that slows us down… leave them beside the track. As we do this the cloud of witnesses will go wild with excitement. We will MOVE FASTER AND SEE CLEARER than ever before. Our heavenly supporters will wildly cheer us on to the finishing line!