Safety Ahead…

Proverbs 4:25-26 “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.”[NLT]

Whenever my dad ploughed a field he would look for a tree on the other side of the pasture, focus on it, then drive the plough straight towards it. By doing this each furrow would always be straight and parallel with the rest. This happened because he had lined up a target in the distance and it caused him to chart a straight course.

As you can see, today’s Proverb shows us that we are to do exactly the same in our life. God desires us to look straight ahead and fix our eyes on our future in Him. The result? God says that as we do this we will stay on His safe path. What an awesome promise!

This is why we need to stop wasting time with our past.  The truth is God wants us to set our focus on what lies BEFORE us in Him.  God has great opportunities ahead so keep looking forward and fix your eyes on His future. God will never disappoint you!

Safety Ahead
Safety Ahead

A present for you…

1Peter 1:13 “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives”[MSG]

This week keep at the very front of your mind that Jesus is coming back!!! Not only is He coming back but He is also bringing a gift for YOU!!!

Now we all love receiving a gift. Whether it is Christmas, a birthday, a wedding or a coming of age celebration… we love getting the gift. Now think for a moment, what was the best gift you ever received? Well, it is going to pale into insignificance compared to the gift that Jesus is bringing when he arrives.

In the same way that we wait for our gifts at birthdays, Christmas, weddings or coming of age celebrations, we are to be waiting for Jesus to arrive with our gift from Him. While we are waiting we’re told to do 3 things…

1) Be Prepared – ‘Roll up our sleeves’
2) Be Focused – ‘Put our mind in gear’
3) Be Expectant – ‘Be totally ready to receive the gift’

Now this may sound easy but so many things on Earth fight at these 3 things. They try to rob us of the gift that is coming. Everything around us craves our energy, our focus and our reward. You and I are in a fight, a war, but we have been equipped to win. We can fight with confidence and receive our gift from Jesus by being prepared, focused & expectant.

This week stay in this zone of being prepared, focused and expectant so you can receive your gift when Jesus arrives in the centre of your world!