Safety Ahead…

Proverbs 4:25-26 “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.”[NLT]

Whenever my dad ploughed a field he would look for a tree on the other side of the pasture, focus on it, then drive the plough straight towards it. By doing this each furrow would always be straight and parallel with the rest. This happened because he had lined up a target in the distance and it caused him to chart a straight course.

As you can see, today’s Proverb shows us that we are to do exactly the same in our life. God desires us to look straight ahead and fix our eyes on our future in Him. The result? God says that as we do this we will stay on His safe path. What an awesome promise!

This is why we need to stop wasting time with our past.  The truth is God wants us to set our focus on what lies BEFORE us in Him.  God has great opportunities ahead so keep looking forward and fix your eyes on His future. God will never disappoint you!

Safety Ahead
Safety Ahead

A Royal Occasion…

Psalm 121:5-8 “God’s your Guardian, right at your side to protect you… God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” [MSG]

I remember watching the changing of the guards at Windsor Castle in England. What struck me the most was not the ceremonial pomp of the occasion but the fact that these guards were not actors. These guards were elite professionally trained military soldiers. They were armed and dangerous. Their role was first and foremost to watch over and keep the royal family safe.

Now think about the power of these verses. They tell us that God Himself is guarding and protecting us! God stands watch over our very life. God guards us from evil and He guards us right now.  He guards us as we leave and as we return. God is not ceremonial pomp! God’s guardian power is real and it is for us in every part of our lives.

Remember this week that no matter what you face God is with you so there is no reason to fear. He is constantly vigilant and will never leave His post.  God will watch over you and keep you safe. We are in His royal family.

A Royal Occasion
A Royal Occasion

The Best Guide…

Psalms 105:37 “But he brought his people safely out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick or feeble people among them.” (NLT)

If you are like most people, you probably love to travel. The truth is it’s even more enjoyable when someone comes along as a guide. A guide shows us the best of their region and this enhances our whole travel experience.

God’s word calls us “sojourners” on earth, which literally means temporary visitors.  So if we really want to enjoy our temporary visit, we need a guide.

Here is how it works!  God is our guide.  He shows us His best and enhances our trip with three essential items:

  1. SAFETY – “He brings us out safely”
  2. SUPPLY – “He loads us up with supplies”
  3. HEALTH – “In Him we’re not sick or feeble”

As we progress through our journey we will constantly need to access God’s treasure trove of SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH that He has made available to us! Isn’t God good!

Don’t wait any longer! Declare the goodness of God over yourself, your family and friends… over every part of your journey. Proclaim God’s SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH… its for you today.

Now hear this…

Joel 3:16 “God ROARS from Zion, SHOUTS from Jerusalem. Earth and sky quake in terror. But God is a SAFE hiding place, a granite SAFE house for the children of Israel.” [MSG]

God SHOUTS and ROARS with so much volume that the earth and sky quake in terror at His voice! With that much sound coming from God the enemies voice cannot be heard; the enemy’s noise is silent in comparison. This means that in God’s presence we can experience silence from the clamor of noise that the devil produces and from everything he is saying.

Even though God creates such a great volume of SHOUTS, He is a SAFE hiding place. This verse calls Him a granite SAFE house for us, His children. He is a place of safety and peace in each and every situation we face. Remember though, that God’s hiding place was reserved for the children of Israel, this is now the people of His church. This means it is reserved for you and I. There is a seat in the safety of God just for you – a seat with your name on it. This is cause for a great celebration.

As we run to God for protection, the enemies voice will no longer be heard. We can reside in the safest place that exists. This is where we can be placed today. Collect your reserved seat by asking God in prayer. Then as you run to him and enter into His safety the enemy is heard no more… Let’s dwell in Gods’ safe place together!!!