Confidence Builder…

“For every house is built by someone, but He who BUILT all things is God.”
Hebrews 3:4

A lot of what we see every day is built by people. All the buildings, cars, computers & furniture were manmade. Our family absolutely enjoys and is so thankful for the home that God has given us. It was BUILT very well. It was BUILT to last! But a person physically BUILT it.

Today’s verse reminds us that God was involved long before any man BUILT anything. God created the raw materials and the ideas for everything we can see. No human can create; we can only BUILD from what God has already supplied. God alone can create and BUILD eternally and that’s a claim only He can make!

When we need the raw materials to construct our future we must find them in God first. God will show us exactly what’s needed to BUILD a future that’s guaranteed to last! No matter what tomorrows needs, God has already prepared a supply for it. God has a plan for what tomorrow will look like & the process that’s needed to BUILD it.

This week let’s BUILD our future God’s way. Let’s use the raw materials He’s prepared for us. Let’s BUILD what He wants us to BUILD. Let’s BUILD it to last. Here are a few keys from the Bible that’ll help us to build well for our future…

  • Need finances… we are to be generous – Luke 6:38
  • Need help… we are to help others – Ephesians 6:8
  • Need wisdom… we are to ask God for it – James 1:5
  • Don’t know what to do… do justly, love mercy and walk humbly – Micah 6:8

Payday Is Coming…

“Good work will get you GOOD PAY from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.”
Ephesians 6:8

Everybody loves payday! It’s the time when we get remunerated for the time & labor we’ve given. We get a pay, a supply that we can use to build our future. Everyone who works expects to get paid [1 Timothy 5:18]. It is right & Godly that they do. If someone doesn’t get paid they’ll often become very upset & disappointed.

Today’s verse reminds us that GOOD WORK brings GOOD PAY. The fantastic news is that when God is our master we’ll always get the BEST pay through serving Him, His leaders, His people and by living life His way. But the devil has a payday too. He pays those who do things his way. Those who live a greedy & selfish life the way they want.

The devils pay is everything we don’t need… debt, sickness, disease and brokenness. Many carry out his work never realizing he’ll be paying them bountifully in their future. We need to have great compassion for them because they have not yet had their eyes opened to the devils payday! Pray they will see it before eternity!

This week let’s KEEP DOING GOOD WORKS FOR THE LORD. Our payday is coming with GOOD PAY from our good master. So let’s not get tired in doing His good works [Galatians 6:9] because our reward is right before us. We’ll be eternally grateful that we kept going, kept doing, and kept moving forward when God’s payday arrives! We’ll be remunerated with all the good things we’ve desired. We’ll build a good future that’s overflowing with generosity.

It’s True! Payday Is Coming…

Ephesians 6:8 “Good work will get you GOOD PAY from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.” [MSG]

Payday will always come! We all love payday because we get a return for our time and labor giving us money to use for our future. When God is your master you will always get the BEST pay for serving Him, His leaders, His people and doing life His way… now this is fantastic news.

But that’s just a part of the story; the devil has a payday as well for those who do things his way. The devils pay is debt, sickness, disease and brokenness… everything that you and I don’t want.   People often carry out his work not realizing that without a doubt he will surely pay them in their future… guaranteed!

Sometimes it seems as if those who do evil are prospering… NEVER despair. We need to have great compassion for them because they have not yet had their eyes opened to the devils payday! Pray they will see it before eternity!

For these and many other reasons KEEP DOING GOOD WORKS FOR THE LORD. Our payday is coming with GOOD PAY from our master. Never tire in doing good works; you’ll be so glad you did… God’s payday always comes!