
Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart makes well, like medicine”

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the vast array of products we see when entering a pharmacy. Each item promises the good things that it can do for us. The selection is often so great that we need assistance to pick even a simple treatment.

Today’s verse helps us select what is best. It says that a merry heart is fundamental to making us well in a similar way to medicine. Many of us have taken medicine for ailments but few have applied a merry heart to their life to make it well.

A merry heart is simply one that is joyful, glad and rejoicing. As Christians these 3 things reside in us and are meant to be a vital part of living. The problem is that we hide them when we’re not feeling well rather than use them. God says that this is the exact time for us to utilize them.

Now, medications have an important place in healing but above that is our merry hearts. We are made in God’s image and He knows exactly what’s needed to assist our health. He says a merry heart works inside us helping our health to return.

This week let’s use our merry hearts to make us well. Pick an area of life, that isn’t thriving like it should, and let your joy, gladness and rejoicing overflow through it. Like a medication it will get inside the problem, causing wellness to return and victory to be obtained.

You are You…

Matthew 5:5 “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are – no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”

As children we can all remember playing on the seesaw. At any given moment you would either be up in the air or down on the ground. If you stood carefully with a foot on each side of the center you could steadily balance the board and the ends of the seesaw became stable.

Balance is essential in life. Our days of blessing and contentment will offset the days of toil and labor. A balanced life is essential to our health but many things hinder it from happening. The ultimate solution to an unbalanced and unhappy life cannot be bought but it can be received.

Here is a key for a contented life. Simply accept who you are! Don’t act like someone else, think less of yourself or overestimate yourself. Just be you! After all you’re exactly what God wants! He wants to Bless your life.

So this week lets experience the presence of God by simply accepting ourselves. Let’s stop striving or underachieving and just be who we are. As we accept ourselves we receive a life that is a haven of contentment, peace, health and well-being. It will produce a life well beyond what we could ever afford. Today, join us in this challenge and obtain this beautiful promise over your life.

The Best Guide…

Psalms 105:37 “But he brought his people safely out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick or feeble people among them.” (NLT)

If you are like most people, you probably love to travel. The truth is it’s even more enjoyable when someone comes along as a guide. A guide shows us the best of their region and this enhances our whole travel experience.

God’s word calls us “sojourners” on earth, which literally means temporary visitors.  So if we really want to enjoy our temporary visit, we need a guide.

Here is how it works!  God is our guide.  He shows us His best and enhances our trip with three essential items:

  1. SAFETY – “He brings us out safely”
  2. SUPPLY – “He loads us up with supplies”
  3. HEALTH – “In Him we’re not sick or feeble”

As we progress through our journey we will constantly need to access God’s treasure trove of SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH that He has made available to us! Isn’t God good!

Don’t wait any longer! Declare the goodness of God over yourself, your family and friends… over every part of your journey. Proclaim God’s SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH… its for you today.