No Surprises…

Psalm 119:165 “The people who love God’s Instructions enjoy peace and lots of it and nothing shall offend them”

I enjoy walking on paths that twist and turn on their way to a destination. My mind thinks about what’s coming up ahead or what’s beyond the next turn. As I stay on the path I arrive safely at the destination.

God has a path for us. Our verse says that as we walk on His Path and follow His Instructions offense won’t be able to lead us astray. Isn’t it great to know that around the next bend of life can be lots of peace rather than another unexpected offense?

Offense always leads us away from God. It takes us into a wilderness of self-interest and deception. We soon discover that peace has gone and the never-ending storms of life are tossing us about instead. This all resulted from us following an offense.

God has provided us with a fabulous escape from offense. All we do is simply follow His Instructions. When we start doing things His Way we suddenly find ourselves back on His path for our life and His path is an offense free path.

Don’t allow offense to stalk you and lead you away from God. Instead hold firm to God’s way of doing things. Before long you’ll find that there is LOTS OF PEACE in your life. Soon others will be looking to you to lead them along His path of life towards peace.

CLICK HERE to download a FREE Word Study to help you with offense.

You are You…

Matthew 5:5 “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are – no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”

As children we can all remember playing on the seesaw. At any given moment you would either be up in the air or down on the ground. If you stood carefully with a foot on each side of the center you could steadily balance the board and the ends of the seesaw became stable.

Balance is essential in life. Our days of blessing and contentment will offset the days of toil and labor. A balanced life is essential to our health but many things hinder it from happening. The ultimate solution to an unbalanced and unhappy life cannot be bought but it can be received.

Here is a key for a contented life. Simply accept who you are! Don’t act like someone else, think less of yourself or overestimate yourself. Just be you! After all you’re exactly what God wants! He wants to Bless your life.

So this week lets experience the presence of God by simply accepting ourselves. Let’s stop striving or underachieving and just be who we are. As we accept ourselves we receive a life that is a haven of contentment, peace, health and well-being. It will produce a life well beyond what we could ever afford. Today, join us in this challenge and obtain this beautiful promise over your life.

Tell Me Again…

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence”

When we attended school many lessons were taught by repetition. Whether it was spelling, multiplication tables or bible verses the goal was to remember them. Jesus used repetition as well. He repeated truths because He wanted us to remember them. One of these truths was peace.

This world is a place of tribulation, trials, distress and frustration. Jesus states that He has restored peace by conquering the world and depriving it of any power to harm us. Not only that, He passed on this peace as an inheritance. When we inherit peace from Jesus our life becomes very different. We apprehend a life full of good cheer, courage and confidence.

In the week ahead lets actively accept peace as our inheritance. When any tribulation, trial, distress or frustration attacks us lets stop for a moment, take a long deep breath and consider the perfect peace that Jesus provided.

Remember, He conquered the world and deprived it of any power to harm us. We have absolute right to this peace every day. It is a powerful and vital part of our inheritance so lets accept it, activate it and never forget it!

PS: In the past we sent an Encouragement called “Inheriting Peace.” You can read it again on our blog at: It will help you understand how to receive the peace of Jesus into your life.

A Superior Result…

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit.” [NIV]

Everyone loves to eat and drink; it is not only a necessity but also an enjoyable part of life. Some people even hold competitions for fun to see who can eat the most in the quickest amount of time.

Now for the surprise… God says that there are greater things to strive for than our physical needs. Why? Because taking care of our needs is His job.  Our Father in heaven wants us to seek first His Kingdom.  As we do this He tells us about three things that will produce a superior result.

Just as we understand the benefit of eating and drinking to sustain our natural lives, God has provided the benefits of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit for our life in God’s Kingdom.

What does this mean for us? Living in the kingdom of God means we get to partake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. A miracle? You bet!

Best of all God wants to sustain us in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit everyday of our lives.  Say “YES” to kingdom living today!

Inherit Peace…

John 14:27 “PEACE I leave with you; My [own] PEACE I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]” [AMP]

This is an exceptional verse to ponder; it is very strong in our spirit for you this week.

Jesus is saying that He is leaving PEACE with us. Not just any PEACE though but “His peace”. This is not PEACE because of your financial security or through a victory in war; it is the PEACE that comes from Jesus alone.

Now, not only is He leaving PEACE, not only is He giving PEACE, He is also bequeathing it to us. This means it is a legacy to us when He died. Jesus did die and He rose again. His peace is now our PEACE. His PEACE has been left, given and bequeathed to both you and me.

The PEACE of Jesus is given in a different way to how the world gives things. Whatever the world gives it can take away. The PEACE that Jesus gives cannot be taken away by anyone or anything. This is why Jesus can say, “stop allowing yourself to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourself to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled”. These will rob us of our peace so Jesus says do not allow or permit them in our lives.

The PEACE from Jesus is our inheritance. He gave His life so we can have PEACE, it is yours, walk in it from this day on!!!