Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give the nations for you to own”
Have you ever seen a child in a supermarket that asks for everything they see? If it’s in front of their eyes their hand reaches out and you instantly hear “Can I have that?” We’ve all experienced this at one time or another.
Our verse says that God can give us the nations of the Earth… if we ask for them. The problem is, as we get older we tend to ask less. We find ourselves becoming self sufficient instead of God supplied. God says, if we want something, then we ask Him for it!
Sometimes what we ask for comes quickly. Other times it takes longer, but the key is in asking God. Following that, we just need to keep walking in His ways, obeying His Word and fellowshipping with each other. This results in us obtaining the given promise.
Now, if God can give us something as enormous as the Nations, think about what you might need today. The first step to getting it is to ask God for it. Then pursue Him along life’s path and you’ll receive it.
This week, let’s come before God and ask Him for what we need. Remember nothing is too big or too small for Him. He is concerned about what concerns us, so ask Him for it. Then keep obeying His Word and walking in His ways and before long we’ll have what we asked for.