The Road Ahead…

Exodus 15:18 “The Lord reigns for ever and ever”

Have you ever driven a road that looks like it lasts forever? Each time you turn a curve you discover that the road continues on, disappearing into the distance.

Our verse says that God’s reign, that is his control & influence, are just like a never-ending road. His reign goes beyond what we presently see or experience, all the way into the future. It runs right through eternity.

In our Christian life there are certain truths that we must settle. God’s reign over our life journey is one of them. It doesn’t matter what curves and turns we meet in life God must be allowed to lead and steer us on a course of safety.

Daily the enemy takes every opportunity to push and batter us. Nonetheless God’s reign, that is his control & influence, allows us to survive and navigates even the greatest attacks. God will lead us beyond what’s happening today towards a powerful and dynamic future.

This week, why not make an unwavering commitment to accept God’s reign afresh in your life. His plans and purpose for you are full of future and hope. God will securely take you forward on life’s path if you allow him. You will go beyond your current circumstance and, before you know it, you’ll be racing along life’s road again filled with faith and hope.

Time for a Change…

Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change”

Everything changes! Change affects things we want it to as well as things we rather it didn’t. It does not matter if it’s a hairdo, car, house, friendship or a season everything changes. We must continually remind ourselves that change is a vital part of life.

Our verse shows us that only one thing exists that will never change, and that is God. He is stable, unchanging and solid. He is the firm foundation for us to anchor our life to. God will not change in any way. If something is going to change it will be us, not Him.

People often find change difficult to navigate but it shouldn’t be. God’s Word tells us how to live and adapt to change. The simplest key to winning is for us to obey God’s Word no matter what! In times of change always remember that God’s Word is His Word is His Word! Stick with it and you will discover that His perfect plan will brilliantly come forth and everything will be OK because of it.

This week don’t let change intimidate you. Instead, open your Bible and anchor yourself to God’s Word. Let it change you. God will be there and before you know it things will be getting better. You will train yourself to like change instead of fearing it. Get ready for a powerful week ahead – we love you!

A Life Direction…

Proverbs 11:3 “The integrity of the upright will guide them…”

On life’s journey we get to know people who are outstanding symbols of living a good life. Even when they are attacked from every side they stand strong and keep making great Godly decisions. People are attracted to there overcoming lifestyle and attempt to understand how they built this strength. The simple answer is always through integrity.

Today’s verse instructs us that integrity will be the guide of our life. If we don’t have it we will become lost and eventually destroyed. With it we become stable, sure and a guiding light to others. Remember that as we make the hard decisions in life, in line with God’s Word, we forge our integrity. As we stay true to His Word and stop compromising, our path ahead will become easier to navigate.

Integrity is the very thing that makes a person outstanding. It is also the thing that many people overlook. Integrity includes being honest and having strong moral principles but, to a Christian, it means so much more. We build Integrity by knowing and standing upon God’s Word regardless of the circumstances. We must always ensure that we do what we say making our word our bond in every situation.

This week why not find another Christian that you admire, come along side of them and allow the Holy Spirit to train you up to a higher level of integrity. Don’t be concerned if it seems a little hard at times. Make a decision now to stay the course and build your future on this essential trait. Before you know it you will be navigating life with ease and others will be drawn to your integrity.