Above and Before…

Proverbs 4:7 “Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!”

The journey of life can become busy and overwhelming at times. People rush everywhere trying to do everything they possibly can. Often rapid-fire decisions are made with little forethought. These often prove to be big mistakes that carry a great cost.

In life we need to slow down! Our verse lets us know that God’s way to a successful life is to get His Wisdom above and before everything. This means that God’s Wisdom must come before our plans, desires and schedules and must be placed above our emotions, circumstances and feelings.

Whenever we disregard Wisdom we are heading towards disaster without knowing it.

We can never rush Wisdom; it takes time and energy to gain it. Our bible is chocked full of Wisdom for us to live by. It is there so we can successfully navigate every part of life. The key to getting Wisdom is to slow down and take our time to read, ponder and apply God’s Word to our lives before we do something, not after.

Whenever we prioritize God’s Word in our life we are prioritizing Wisdom in our lives.

This week put God’s Wisdom above and before our personal wisdom. Let’s SLOW DOWN and allow Wisdom to seep into the very depths of our hearts. Allow Wisdom to become the foundation of every decision made. Before long our lives will be flourishing and we will be a people of Wisdom.


Building Strong Families…

Psalm 103:17 “But the Lord’s love for those who respect him continues forever and ever, and his goodness continues to their grandchildren”

The foundations under any building are what cause it to stand strong. If they are faulty or inferior they won’t fully support the structure that is built upon them. If foundations are weak, they will almost certainly fail at sometime in the future.

Everyone wants their family to be strong and functional. Our verse teaches us how to build the strong foundation needed to achieve this. It says that as we show respect to God He pours out His love and goodness on us. But it goes further than that. He keeps pouring this love and goodness out onto our children and our grandchildren. Now that’s a strong foundation to build under any family!

It is not difficult to show respect to God. As we are obedient to His Word and live life the way the bible says our lives transform from being self-centered to being God-focused. We become a vessel of worship to Him and He responds by pouring His love and goodness into the future generations of our families.

This week why not strengthen the foundations of your family and effect the coming generations. As we make a choice to do things God’s way we cause His love and goodness to flood over us, our children and our children’s children. A strong foundation will be formed that will enable our families to stand strong through any storm. Prepare now for a strong family in the future!

Time for a Change…

Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change”

Everything changes! Change affects things we want it to as well as things we rather it didn’t. It does not matter if it’s a hairdo, car, house, friendship or a season everything changes. We must continually remind ourselves that change is a vital part of life.

Our verse shows us that only one thing exists that will never change, and that is God. He is stable, unchanging and solid. He is the firm foundation for us to anchor our life to. God will not change in any way. If something is going to change it will be us, not Him.

People often find change difficult to navigate but it shouldn’t be. God’s Word tells us how to live and adapt to change. The simplest key to winning is for us to obey God’s Word no matter what! In times of change always remember that God’s Word is His Word is His Word! Stick with it and you will discover that His perfect plan will brilliantly come forth and everything will be OK because of it.

This week don’t let change intimidate you. Instead, open your Bible and anchor yourself to God’s Word. Let it change you. God will be there and before you know it things will be getting better. You will train yourself to like change instead of fearing it. Get ready for a powerful week ahead – we love you!

A New Start…

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God…”

Happy New to you and your family!

Our year has ended and we have just begun 2012 together. Most people happily move forward putting the old year behind. Others find it a little more difficult. God wants us to keep a forward focus and continually let go of the past just like the Apostle Paul did.

You see the key to freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today! God’s mercy is new every morning. So, no matter what happened last year in 2012, we can find a fresh place to begin.

Here is how it works: The first words of the Bible say, “In the beginning God…” When we give God priority and ownership in the beginning we can be assured He will cause us to reach our full potential – no matter how many twists and turns we face on our journey.

Begin 2012 with God as your priority and keep Him there because Jesus has already gone into 2012 to prepare the way for you! God wants to bring to pass His promises for our lives over the coming year.

So let’s begin with Jesus, stay with Jesus and end with Jesus. He is faithful to keep His word!

No Risk Offer…

1 Corinthians 3:11 “For no one can lay any FOUNDATION other than the one already laid, which is JESUS Christ.” [NIV]

Every building has FOUNDATIONS designed to carry specific loads. There is only one sure FOUNDATION that can carry the load of you and your family… Jesus is this FOUNDATION. He can support everything… you, your calling and your destiny.

He will take the maximum load that you can put on Him at any time. No matter what burden, no matter what sorrow, no matter what fear… He can carry it for you.

The truth is there is only one FOUNDATION suitable for us to build upon. It is a FOUNDATION that will not crack and will never crumble. This FOUNDATION is JESUS Christ. JESUS is a FOUNDATION that we don’t have to wait to be laid; it is completely ready to build upon right now. Don’t ever build on other FOUNDATIONS like people, jobs or financial security because they will not hold us securely and faithfully… only Jesus can do this for us.

No risk now, no risk later… JESUS is more than able to carry the load and burdens of your life. Take any weights from your life and lay them upon the FOUNDATION that is JESUS Christ. He will carry them for you – it’s what JESUS does!!!