It’s Coming To You…

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” [NASB]

Did you ever plant seeds in a garden and they failed to come up? This has happened to me and it can be quite disappointing. In life we often carry expectations that do not produce our anticipated result. We can end up HARVESTING something different to what we wanted or expected to get.

This is where our verse fits, giving us understanding about our HARVEST. You see a HARVEST always comes from what we previously planted. What we plant includes attitudes, finances, words, acts of kindness… the list is endless!

The truth is that spiritual laws have the potential to operate in either a positive or negative way, depending on how we use them. It is absolutely vital that we take into account that in our future we will be required to HARVEST what we planted.

Here’s the solution: Plant good seed! As we consciously do this we plant less bad seed and when HARVEST time comes we have confidence that it will be a good HARVEST!

Remember this: Don’t plant what you don’t want to HARVEST in your future.

There is always a HARVEST coming to us – let’s make sure it a good one!

It Will Happen…

Hebrews 6:14 “He said, ‘I promise that I’ll BLESS you with everything I have – BLESS and BLESS and BLESS!'”[MSG]

I remember as a child how long it seemed to take for my birthday to arrive. It felt like an eternity. In reality, all I had to do was wait patiently and it would happen. In our verse today there is a very powerful promise from God.  This promise was so important to God that He took an oath in His own name that it would happen. He made this promise a certainty.

What is this promise? God wants to BLESS you! And that’s not all… He doesn’t want to just BLESS you once, He wants to BLESS and BLESS and BLESS you. WOW! The truth is God’s intention is to BLESS you continually not just once. He wants to BLESS you again and again and again.

In the very next verse God says “…and so after waiting patiently Abraham inherited the promise.” In the same way as kids we had to wait patiently for our birthday each year we must also wait patiently for His promise.  So there you have it… our trust is in God, as we patiently believe that He wants us to be BLESSED and BLESSED and BLESSED!

Your Secure Investment…

Hebrews 6:18 “When God wanted to GUARANTEE his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee—God can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable.” [MSG]

How magnificent is our God! He has given us amazing, unchanging promises that he wanted to guarantee. That’s right, God wanted to add a GUARANTEE to every single one of His promises. He added His rock solid GUARANTEE to make His promises the most secure blue chip investment ever.

Now this offer is not “too good to be true.” It simply works this way: God gave his word as the GUARANTEE. Remember that God’s Word is Jesus. So God GUARANTEES all his promises with Jesus! Jesus is the rock solid GUARANTEE that ensures every promise of God is fulfilled. God never needs to change any of His promises because they are so secure they are impossible change.

This week, keep in mind that all God’s promises can be fulfilled in your life. God is not stopping them and neither should you. They are GUARANTEED to occur. They are unstoppable. So don’t give up, don’t draw back and never yield to a lie. God will fulfill all the promises He has made because Jesus GUARANTEES it!

Remember Me…

1 Chronicles 16:15 “REMEMBER his covenant forever–the commitment he made to a thousand generations.” [NLT]

Today, more than ever, we are to REMEMBER to fill our mind with God’s Word. Our memory is to be overflowing with His covenant, which are His promises.  This is because God’s promises are eternal. They will exist forever, all the way through eternity. When we REMEMBER His eternal promises and speak of them we have God’s commitment, His undertaking, that they will be fulfilled in our life.

How do we know this to be true? This verse tells us that God made a commitment to a thousand generations. That is over 20,000 years of commitment from God. It is a very long time. The exciting thing about this is that we live in this 20,000 year time period. This means God has committed to keeping His promises with you and with me NOW! We just need to do one thing… REMEMBER His covenant.

This week REMEMBER God’s promises, His covenant. Let them work through your mind and out of your mouth. They will fill your life and release eternal fruit!

The Storm Advantage…

Psalm 107:29 “He hushes the STORM to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are STILL.” [AMP]

Are there STORMS against your life at the moment?
Have STORMS ever battered and surged against everything you know and believe?

One thing is for sure… God knows exactly what to do with STORMS! This is part of who He is and His promise toward us.

God says He will hush the STORM to a calm, then down to a gentle whisper and then He finalizes it to STILLNESS. A storm does not instantly change from fury to a calm sea… it is always a process! The three steps from our key verse show us the road to peace in the storms of our life… first the calm, then the gentle whisper and finally the STILL.

A real lifesaver to surviving the many storms of life is simple but true… don’t follow them! Instead follow the calm and the PEACE. If you follow the storms in life you will never have PEACE. But when you follow God’s calm He will lead you to stillness and peace. God’s presence is in this calm and we must follow Him to live in peace.

God Himself invites you to follow His PEACE and allow him to calm and STILL the storms of life… You’ll be glad you did!

Do Something Extraordinary…

Acts 7:3 “…Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.” [NKJV]

Did you know that this verse was a conversation that happened between God and Abraham? Abraham was instructed by God, to WALK BY FAITH, leave behind everything that was familiar and comfortable to him as well as everything he understood at that time.

God told Abraham he needed to get out of his country and away from his current associations! Every weight that could possibly hold Abraham back – needed to be gone. God told Abraham to leave only two things but until he did this he could not move forward into his promise. As Abraham OBEYED he became free to receive what God had for him in his future.

The truth is that it is exactly the same in our faith walk today. Often everything we rely on, everything we find familiar and comfortable, must be surrendered before we can ENTER the personal promise of God for our lives.

This is where faith fits in… we must rely wholly on Him and not on our familiar and comfortable habits, people and places. Whatever we have to leave will ultimately become insignificant in comparison to what God supplies to us in our future.

IT’S TIME TO MAKE A CHOICE! Simply ask God right now to show you if there are things He wants you to surrender so you can enter into His promise… its worth it!

Promise Keepers…

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” [NKJV]

This verse is a fundamental truth of the Bible. If this happened to be the only verse that we had concerning God it would be more than enough for you and I to prosper and succeed in every arena of life. It encapsulates the character and nature of our creator.

Our God is stable in everything. He does not lie. He never does anything that needs Him to repent. He does exactly what He says He will do and if He makes a promise, He keeps it. This is such a contrast from how mankind has turned out. Now days it proves very difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is not, who will do what they say and who will fulfill their promises? Life at times can be a minefield to navigate because of how dubious humanity can be.

God is a Rock, a firm foundation for us to build our lives upon. Man can lie and repent but not our God. If God says something He will always do it. When He speaks something He will always make it good. Our strength and trust in God comes from this verse. We must not look to man for answers but ALWAYS set our gaze, heart and desire on God – He will never fail us.

This week take the promises that God has spoken personally to you. Write them on a piece of paper if you like. Then speak and proclaim Numbers 23:19 over them declaring Gods character and nature over them in Jesus name.