Doing it all…

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who gives me strength”

Some days we think we’ve conquered the world only to discover that there’s still a long “to do” list left. It has taken every ounce of strength to get this far so the rest will have to wait for another time. Everyone experiences days like these.

Today’s verse reminds us how to achieve victory every day. You and I can do somethings & many things in our own strength but we can’t do ALL THINGS. If we want to achieve our full potential we need help. We must obtain it through Christ. He gives us the strength and ability to do ALL THINGS, even the seemingly impossible!

So, how do we access Christ’s strength to do ALL THINGS just like the Apostle Paul? It’s simple, we ensure that Jesus is the central focus of our life. We place Him above and before everything else. We honour Him first in every arena of life – private, public and personal. Jesus gets the best of our time, our resource and our relationships. We vigilantly keep every arena of our lives focused on Jesus.

As we do this the gates of blessing from heaven open and Christ’s strength floods our life. So, this week, re-arrange your life to honour Jesus even more. It takes many simple decisions throughout the day to achieve this and then the promise of Philippians 4:13 will overtake your life and joy will become your constant companion.

A Royal Occasion…

Psalm 121:5-8 “God’s your Guardian, right at your side to protect you… God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” [MSG]

I remember watching the changing of the guards at Windsor Castle in England. What struck me the most was not the ceremonial pomp of the occasion but the fact that these guards were not actors. These guards were elite professionally trained military soldiers. They were armed and dangerous. Their role was first and foremost to watch over and keep the royal family safe.

Now think about the power of these verses. They tell us that God Himself is guarding and protecting us! God stands watch over our very life. God guards us from evil and He guards us right now.  He guards us as we leave and as we return. God is not ceremonial pomp! God’s guardian power is real and it is for us in every part of our lives.

Remember this week that no matter what you face God is with you so there is no reason to fear. He is constantly vigilant and will never leave His post.  God will watch over you and keep you safe. We are in His royal family.

A Royal Occasion
A Royal Occasion