A Strong Year…

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot understand what God has done from beginning to end.”

Soon fireworks will be bursting in the sky, trumpets will be blaring and everyone will be celebrating the new year. For many it will be just another event but, for those who choose, it can become a defining moment in their journey with God.

Our family always enter the new year on a strong foot. We make sure that God is central and pivotal at the start so he remains the focus for the whole year, not just the day. Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help make this coming year strong and stable for you.

It gives 3 powerful keys on how to enter this new season:

  1. Don’t rush
  2. Search your heart
  3. Trust God

Don’t rush – Everything we do doesn’t have to be accomplished in one day. Some things take time. If we allow time to do its work then God will ensure that everything becomes beautiful.

Search your heart – Remember that God has planted eternity in our hearts. It makes good sense that we should search our heart and get an eternal prospective on our plans. Make a habit of checking every plan with God and you will have great success ahead.

Trust God – Ensure that your trust is in God. He knows the beginning from the end and every step in-between. There is no one trustworthier than God. When we put our trust in Him our lives stand on a solid and sure foundation.

We believe that 2013 is going to be the best year yet for you. Making God the central and pivotal point at the start is a simple key to having a strong year!

A Very Great Future…

Job 8:7 “Then, although your beginnings were small, your future will be VERY GREAT INDEED”

We are at the beginning of the 2nd half of 2012. Even though the new year seems only days ago, 6 months has actually passed by. At the start of this year we encouraged you that “Jesus has already gone into 2012 to prepare the way for you!” You can read about this on our BLOG POST [Click Here]. Now we are at the ½ way mark of the year.

This verse becomes very timely today. It says that this years beginning may seem small but the remainder is going to be VERY GREAT INDEED. Now that sounds awesome to me! Over the previous 6 months we saw that God did great, wonderful and mighty things for every one of us. Remember though, that they are small in comparison to what He wants to produce in the final portion of 2012.

Jesus has prepared 6 VERY GREAT months ahead for us. We must keep advancing, obeying Him and giving our life to His purpose. As we do this we obtain a future that is VERY GREAT INDEED. It is available, so let’s go get it!

Our key to apprehending this future is to not falter in our progress. Today, let’s commit to staying tuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit, obedient to God’s Word and in love with the Father. The result will be that 2012’s small beginnings will end up VERY GREAT INDEED as our year draws to a close!


Proverbs 8:34 “Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to wisdom, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day’s work”

Some days we wake up feeling a little grumpy and it often effects our whole day. Other times we wake with joy and a heart full of hope. This often results in a day blessed from beginning to end. We soon discover that how our day starts often influences the direction it will take.

Our verse reassures us that we have the right to days filled with blessing and happiness. Whether we are male or female it is our right as born again believers. It also shows us that there is a specific way to achieve this in our lives.

Here is a key to experiencing this blessing. First thing every day we should wake up and find wisdom. As we continue through our day we must be alert and responsive to her voice.

So, how do we discover this wisdom? We open our Bible, the book of wisdom, and allow it to guide every part of our day. Every piece of wisdom we will ever need is contained in its pages.

This week why not start each day with wisdom. Before doing anything else seek some from the Bible. It will change your day. It will set you up for a blessed and happy time. It will allow God’s Wisdom to navigate your day rather than anything else. So, get ready for a happy and blessed week together!

A New Start…

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God…”

Happy New to you and your family!

Our year has ended and we have just begun 2012 together. Most people happily move forward putting the old year behind. Others find it a little more difficult. God wants us to keep a forward focus and continually let go of the past just like the Apostle Paul did.

You see the key to freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today! God’s mercy is new every morning. So, no matter what happened last year in 2012, we can find a fresh place to begin.

Here is how it works: The first words of the Bible say, “In the beginning God…” When we give God priority and ownership in the beginning we can be assured He will cause us to reach our full potential – no matter how many twists and turns we face on our journey.

Begin 2012 with God as your priority and keep Him there because Jesus has already gone into 2012 to prepare the way for you! God wants to bring to pass His promises for our lives over the coming year.

So let’s begin with Jesus, stay with Jesus and end with Jesus. He is faithful to keep His word!