Above and Before…

Proverbs 4:7 “Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!”

The journey of life can become busy and overwhelming at times. People rush everywhere trying to do everything they possibly can. Often rapid-fire decisions are made with little forethought. These often prove to be big mistakes that carry a great cost.

In life we need to slow down! Our verse lets us know that God’s way to a successful life is to get His Wisdom above and before everything. This means that God’s Wisdom must come before our plans, desires and schedules and must be placed above our emotions, circumstances and feelings.

Whenever we disregard Wisdom we are heading towards disaster without knowing it.

We can never rush Wisdom; it takes time and energy to gain it. Our bible is chocked full of Wisdom for us to live by. It is there so we can successfully navigate every part of life. The key to getting Wisdom is to slow down and take our time to read, ponder and apply God’s Word to our lives before we do something, not after.

Whenever we prioritize God’s Word in our life we are prioritizing Wisdom in our lives.

This week put God’s Wisdom above and before our personal wisdom. Let’s SLOW DOWN and allow Wisdom to seep into the very depths of our hearts. Allow Wisdom to become the foundation of every decision made. Before long our lives will be flourishing and we will be a people of Wisdom.


Jesus He’s My Friend…

John 15:14 Jesus said “You are my friends if you do what I tell you to do”

We all need friends. As life goes on we soon discover that to keep them involves investment from both sides. Deposits of time, love, wisdom and understanding are just a few things that keep a relationship healthy. Making a choice not to invest in our friendships means that they will suffer and won’t grow how they should.

Our verse this week reveals how easy it is to have Jesus as our friend. It is a simple but often misunderstood truth. All we have to do is obey what he tells us to do and Jesus becomes our friend. Nothing more, nothing less, just obey.

If we disobey Jesus our friendship with Him suffers. He is always prepared to rebuild from the broken pieces but we must make a deposit first. We must return to the Bible and resume doing what He said. Then, before we know it, He’s counting us amongst His friends again.

Now, here’s the best part… Jesus’s friends are to be our friends too. There is absolutely no reason to ever be lonely again. Jesus wants us all to get along. His intention is that we build great friendships with Him at the centre of each one.

If making friends seems difficult then pal up with Jesus first. He’ll ensure that our friendships are sorted out quickly. Life will then become easier, more productive and have greater pleasure than can be imagined.


Proverbs 8:34 “Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to wisdom, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day’s work”

Some days we wake up feeling a little grumpy and it often effects our whole day. Other times we wake with joy and a heart full of hope. This often results in a day blessed from beginning to end. We soon discover that how our day starts often influences the direction it will take.

Our verse reassures us that we have the right to days filled with blessing and happiness. Whether we are male or female it is our right as born again believers. It also shows us that there is a specific way to achieve this in our lives.

Here is a key to experiencing this blessing. First thing every day we should wake up and find wisdom. As we continue through our day we must be alert and responsive to her voice.

So, how do we discover this wisdom? We open our Bible, the book of wisdom, and allow it to guide every part of our day. Every piece of wisdom we will ever need is contained in its pages.

This week why not start each day with wisdom. Before doing anything else seek some from the Bible. It will change your day. It will set you up for a blessed and happy time. It will allow God’s Wisdom to navigate your day rather than anything else. So, get ready for a happy and blessed week together!

The Getting of Wisdom…

Ecclesiastes 2:26 “For to the person who pleases Him God gives WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and heaping up, that he may give to one who pleases God…” [AMP]

WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY should be a part of our lives. They are a signposts to recognize that we are pleasing God. As we obediently pursue Him, study His Word, pray and seek his face He says that He will give to us WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY. These are beautiful belongings to have in our life.

The book of Proverbs speaks about these three essentials:

Proverbs 4:7 WISDOM is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom…

Proverbs 24:5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of KNOWLEDGE increases strength.

Proverbs 15:23 A man hath JOY by the answer of his mouth…

WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY are not earned, bartered or traded by God. He gives each to individuals that please Him. As an obedient believer the first part of this verse speaks to us. The second part speaks to sinners [ones who do not please God] and their lot in life. The sinner has a much harder life. He will always be gathering, heaping up and struggling in the natural. Our promise here is that God gives all that is gathered and heaped up by sinners to one who pleases Him.

Our future can be guaranteed. We have WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY available to us plus what is being gathered and heaped up elsewhere is coming to us. It is going to find it’s way to us when we please God.