Doing it all…

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who gives me strength”

Some days we think we’ve conquered the world only to discover that there’s still a long “to do” list left. It has taken every ounce of strength to get this far so the rest will have to wait for another time. Everyone experiences days like these.

Today’s verse reminds us how to achieve victory every day. You and I can do somethings & many things in our own strength but we can’t do ALL THINGS. If we want to achieve our full potential we need help. We must obtain it through Christ. He gives us the strength and ability to do ALL THINGS, even the seemingly impossible!

So, how do we access Christ’s strength to do ALL THINGS just like the Apostle Paul? It’s simple, we ensure that Jesus is the central focus of our life. We place Him above and before everything else. We honour Him first in every arena of life – private, public and personal. Jesus gets the best of our time, our resource and our relationships. We vigilantly keep every arena of our lives focused on Jesus.

As we do this the gates of blessing from heaven open and Christ’s strength floods our life. So, this week, re-arrange your life to honour Jesus even more. It takes many simple decisions throughout the day to achieve this and then the promise of Philippians 4:13 will overtake your life and joy will become your constant companion.

Joy Needed…

John 16:24 “You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy”

Have you ever been in a crowded room talking with someone only to discover that they were actually chatting to someone else? You feel embarrassed and slightly disappointed as you move away and compose yourself.

This verse lets us know who to talk to about what we need in life. We are to go directly to God and ask in Jesus’ name. When we do this the Bible says that we will receive what we asked for. Now that is great but there is even more.

When we’ve received what we asked for we also get abundant joy. We won’t walk away disappointed and embarrassed like in the conversation above. God promises to supply this joy with everything He gives when we ask properly.

Now, the key to opening this verse is that Jesus said, “You probably haven’t done this before.” Many believers have never asked for anything in Jesus name. That is why they haven’t received anything with joy. God’s promise is that whenever we ask in Jesus name, we will receive what we asked for plus abundant Joy.

So, what do you need? Take some time this week and ask God for it in Jesus name. Then get ready to receive. God’s Word says that it will come to you smothered in Joy at just the right time. This is God’s way, and it works, so why not let it work in you!

Thank You So Much…

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.” (GW)

Our yearly celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ has just passed. It has been a time of giving and receiving gifts as a way of honouring the greatest gift of all in Jesus. For most of us Christmas has been a time of joy, of gathering together and making memories.  For some it may have been a difficult time.

Notice our verse does not say God is responsible for all that happens in our world it simply instructs us to give thanks no matter what happens!  This is God’s way.

To give thanks means to “readily express gratitude, show appreciation and return kindness.” We must always be ready and willing to give thanks. Sometimes we easily direct our thanks to Jesus but God wants us to learn to also thank those who have been personally kind and generous to us. Whether others generosity has been small or great we are to do as God commands and give thanks to them as well.

Activate God’s word today and complete your Christmas celebration by giving thanks. Post a card, make a quick phone call, send email or text a great big THANK YOU to all the people who have reached out in kindness to you this year. It is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you give thanks today!

Three Gifts for You…

Isaiah 51:11 “Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.” [KJV]

I love a good song. There is nothing like singing out loud to our God. Even if it doesn’t sound perfect to us it is received into the very throne room of heaven as a sacrifice of praise.

This is where our verse fits in.  Because we have been redeemed by Jesus we should be singing God’s praises right into His throne room.  Even if we are in the middle of a trial, God wants us there singing.

As we do this we receive 3 magnificent gifts back from God:

  1. Everlasting Joy
  2. Gladness and Joy
  3. Sorrow and Mourning flee

The key to receiving these gifts is very simple. Just stand in your redemption. How you ask?  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Say it, sing it and declare it today!

So if you want everlasting joy, gladness, sorrow and mouring to flee… simply say out loud that you are redeemed of the Lord. These words will carry to heaven as a song of praise and you will receive God’s glorious gifts.

3 Gifts for you
3 Gifts for you

A Superior Result…

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit.” [NIV]

Everyone loves to eat and drink; it is not only a necessity but also an enjoyable part of life. Some people even hold competitions for fun to see who can eat the most in the quickest amount of time.

Now for the surprise… God says that there are greater things to strive for than our physical needs. Why? Because taking care of our needs is His job.  Our Father in heaven wants us to seek first His Kingdom.  As we do this He tells us about three things that will produce a superior result.

Just as we understand the benefit of eating and drinking to sustain our natural lives, God has provided the benefits of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit for our life in God’s Kingdom.

What does this mean for us? Living in the kingdom of God means we get to partake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. A miracle? You bet!

Best of all God wants to sustain us in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit everyday of our lives.  Say “YES” to kingdom living today!

The Getting of Wisdom…

Ecclesiastes 2:26 “For to the person who pleases Him God gives WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and heaping up, that he may give to one who pleases God…” [AMP]

WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY should be a part of our lives. They are a signposts to recognize that we are pleasing God. As we obediently pursue Him, study His Word, pray and seek his face He says that He will give to us WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY. These are beautiful belongings to have in our life.

The book of Proverbs speaks about these three essentials:

Proverbs 4:7 WISDOM is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom…

Proverbs 24:5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of KNOWLEDGE increases strength.

Proverbs 15:23 A man hath JOY by the answer of his mouth…

WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY are not earned, bartered or traded by God. He gives each to individuals that please Him. As an obedient believer the first part of this verse speaks to us. The second part speaks to sinners [ones who do not please God] and their lot in life. The sinner has a much harder life. He will always be gathering, heaping up and struggling in the natural. Our promise here is that God gives all that is gathered and heaped up by sinners to one who pleases Him.

Our future can be guaranteed. We have WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND JOY available to us plus what is being gathered and heaped up elsewhere is coming to us. It is going to find it’s way to us when we please God.