Get Wisdom Today…

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding” 
Proverbs 4:7

Everything starts somewhere. Babies start crawling long before they commence walking. After walking they learn to run. If we don’t crawl, we will never walk, and we’ll never be able to experience running. Everything in life starts small and then grows & matures into what it should be.

Today’s verse teaches us about wisdom and understanding. It lets us know that wisdom is the principal [or number 1 thing] we need in life. Wisdom is not something that is given, like a gift. It is something that we must go out and obtain. Wisdom is something that we must seek, pursue & gather to have in our lives. Once we have it, we grow in it!

Wisdom is not just something that we should have a passing interest in. It is something that we should have knowledge & understanding about. In other words, once we’ve obtained wisdom we must use it. It’s not an ornament in our lives, it’s meant to shape, fashion and form us into what God desires.

This week let’s get more wisdom. If wisdom has lacked in our past then let’s get started today in turning that around. Wisdom is simple to obtain. Just open your Bible and ask God to reveal His wisdom to you, then start reading and studying to understand what the Bible is saying. Before long you’ll discover that not only do you have wisdom but you also have understanding. Use this to shape, fashion and form your life just as God intends.

Above & Before…

“Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!”
Proverbs 4:7

The journey of life can become busy and overwhelming at times. People rush everywhere trying to do everything they possibly can. Often rapid-fire decisions are made with little forethought. These often prove to be big mistakes that carry a great cost.

Today’s verse says don’t rush! Slow down! Know that God’s way to a successful life is to get His Wisdom above and before everything. This means that God’s Wisdom must come before our plans, desires & schedules. It must be placed above our emotions, circumstances and feelings. Whenever we disregard Wisdom, we are heading towards disaster without knowing it.

Wisdom can never be rushed. It takes time & energy to gain it. The bible is chocked full of Wisdom for us to live by. It is there so we can successfully navigate every part of life. The key to getting Wisdom is to slow down and take our time to read, ponder and apply God’s Word to our lives before we do something, not after. Whenever we prioritize God’s Word in our life we are prioritizing Wisdom in our lives.

This week let’s put God’s Wisdom above and before our personal wisdom. Let’s SLOW DOWN and allow Wisdom to seep into the very depths of our hearts. Let’s allow Wisdom to become the foundation of every decision we make. As we do this our lives will begin to flourish and we will become a people of great Wisdom.

Get Wisdom Today…

Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding”

Everything starts somewhere. Babies start crawling long before they commence walking and after that they learn to run. If we don’t crawl, we will never walk, and will never be able to experience running. Everything in life starts small and then grows and matures into what it should be.

Today’s verse teaches us about wisdom and understanding. It let’s us know that wisdom is the principal or number one thing we need in life. Wisdom is not something that is given, like a gift. Rather, it’s something that we must go out and obtain. Wisdom is something that we must seek, pursue and gather to have in our lives. When we have it we grow!

Now, wisdom is not just something that we should have an interest in. It is something that we should have knowledge and understanding about. In other words, once we have obtained wisdom we should make use of it. It’s not just an ornament in our lives. It’s meant to shape, fashion and form us into what God desires.

This week let’s get more wisdom. If wisdom has lacked in your past then get started today in turning that around. Wisdom is easy to obtain. Simply open your Bible and ask God to reveal His wisdom to you, then start reading and studying to understand what the bible says. Before long you’ll discover that not only do you have wisdom but you also have understanding. Use this to shape, fashion and form your life just as God intends. Have a great week ahead!

Above and Before…

Proverbs 4:7 “Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!”

The journey of life can become busy and overwhelming at times. People rush everywhere trying to do everything they possibly can. Often rapid-fire decisions are made with little forethought. These often prove to be big mistakes that carry a great cost.

In life we need to slow down! Our verse lets us know that God’s way to a successful life is to get His Wisdom above and before everything. This means that God’s Wisdom must come before our plans, desires and schedules and must be placed above our emotions, circumstances and feelings.

Whenever we disregard Wisdom we are heading towards disaster without knowing it.

We can never rush Wisdom; it takes time and energy to gain it. Our bible is chocked full of Wisdom for us to live by. It is there so we can successfully navigate every part of life. The key to getting Wisdom is to slow down and take our time to read, ponder and apply God’s Word to our lives before we do something, not after.

Whenever we prioritize God’s Word in our life we are prioritizing Wisdom in our lives.

This week put God’s Wisdom above and before our personal wisdom. Let’s SLOW DOWN and allow Wisdom to seep into the very depths of our hearts. Allow Wisdom to become the foundation of every decision made. Before long our lives will be flourishing and we will be a people of Wisdom.
