Your Story…

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
Hebrews 12:2

There’s a certain joy and expectation we get as we read a book. It matters little if it’s fictional or factual, a novel or a biography. If it has a great story line it captures our interest and drags us in. The story unfolds page-by-page as the plot grows chapter-by-chapter. We feel every mountain & valley that the author describes as we’re led towards the conclusion of the story.

In today’s verse Paul tells us that our life is like a book and has an author. The author of our life is Jesus. He’s writing our life page-by-page and chapter-by-chapter. He is continually taking us forward on our journey to the future. Our life has no blank pages. When we make Jesus the author of our life every page is filled and every page is complete. Whether we’re in the valley or on the mountain we have the victory.

We may not know exactly what’s going to happen on the next page of our life but Jesus does. He’s already penned that page and it includes His plan to prosper us with a future & hope [Jeremiah 29:11]. If we selfishly try to write our own story, rather than let Jesus, we end up having to endure through our own abilities. But with Jesus as our author we become equipped & empowered for an amazing future.

This week let’s stop writing our own story and enter a new chapter instead. Let’s allow Jesus to take over the future manuscript of our life. Let’s release every anxiety that’s built up in us to Him [1 Peter 5:7]. Then, with Jesus as the authors & finisher of our story, we’ll be recipients of a great future. It will become a future that’s filled with His hope, His love & His prosperity.

Love Connection…

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from the Love of God
Romans 8:38

Have you ever been vacuuming and taken one-step to far causing the power cord to disconnect from the socket? Everything stops. As we follow the cord back, we quickly discover the problem. As soon as we reconnect the power, we’re able to continue on with our task until it is completed. It was a momentary problem that was easily overcome.

In today’s verse Paul shares a powerful revelation concerning God’s agape love. He lets us know that we are inseparable from it. We’re told that no one has the power to break this bond. But sometimes we make decisions that cause us to disconnect. At these times we instantly feel drained and heavy. We feel as if someone has pulled out the plug.

The solution to overcoming these situations is as simple as following the cord back to the socket. We must track back through our decisions looking for the ones that disconnected us. Then as we make decisions based in His love we’ll reconnect & re-power. We’ll discover that it was a momentary problem that we easily overcame.

This week let’s make great decisions to stay connected to God through His agape love. If we’re feeling heavy or drained in this area let’s find our disconnection and put it right. Let’s not blame other people or circumstances. Let’s not make up excuses and reasons. Let’s find the problem, make the decisions and reconnect to the power of God’s Love. This will put us back on our journey and cause our future to be so much better than our past.

Pocket Holes…

Your wages disappear as though you’re putting them in pockets filled with holes!
Haggai 1:6

It’s happened to us all at one time or another. We’ve placed a precious item into our pocket only to discover that it’s missing when we’ve gone to retrieve it. We quickly discover a hole. If we’d known about the hole, we would’ve repaired it. Now the treasure is gone and if we don’t fix it everything will keep disappearing.

This week’s verse tells us about something we can all relate to. It tells us about lack. It talks about not having enough to cover our needs. The prophet Haggai says that we can work hard, earn plenty of wages but still not pay for everything. We come up short every week. It’s like there are holes in the pockets where our wages are kept. God’s solution to this is for us to “Consider our ways” [Haggai 1:7]

So, what ways should we be considering if we want to mend the holes in our lives? God says we should consider this: “My house lies in ruins, while all of you are busy building your own fine house”[Haggai 1:9]. To mend the holes throughout our lives we must think about how we’re going to contribute to the building of God’s magnificent House, the Church. Once we do this, we’re to act on it & make it happen. This will transform our pockets holes into holy pockets & give us access to God’s powerful promises of provision.

This week let’s take a frank & honest look at what we’re building with our lives, finances & friendships. Are we building God’s House, the Church, or are we simply building our own personal castles? God’s House is built when we use our lives, finances & friendships to strengthen & increase His Church. It’s not good enough to simply think about it, we must actually do it! Then, before long, the holes in our lives will begin to mend giving us a future that’s expansive & full.

A Focussed Mind…

Bless the LORD, O my soul
Psalm 103:1,2 – Psalm 103:22 – Psalm 104:1,35

Does your mind ever wander? Sometimes it happens in the middle of what might be an important presentation or conversation. It happens exactly when we should be concentrating. At these times we find our mind churning through “to do” lists, future plans or even holiday destinations. We’re often embarrassingly snapped back when someone asks a question or demand a comment. Our mind was being lazy, escaping rather than paying attention.

Today’s verse describes what David did to make his mind work properly. 5 times in Psalms he instructs his soul to Bless the Lord. The soul embraces our mind, will & emotions. Our soul is designed to praise and bless God, enjoying his friendship & delighting in his favour. Unfortunately, many people seldom use their mind, will & emotions for this. They just let their soul do what it wants to do, unhindered.

Like David, the most effective thing we can do is to speak to our soul to make it do what it needs to do, even when it doesn’t want to. Joshua was told to make his mind speak & meditated on God’s Word [Joshua 1:8], Paul told us to make our mind give thanks in all things [1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 5:20]. When we make our mind work, rather than be lazy, we pay attention to all the promises, blessings & hope that God has for us.

This week let’s wake our minds up by speaking to them. Let’s not accept a lazy or disinterested response. Let’s employ our minds appropriately in God’s Word. Let’s read, speak & meditate on God’s Word. Let’s make our souls give thanks for everything that is happening. Then, before long, our minds will be alert, excited and passionate to go further & deeper into the things of God.

Pray This Way…

Our Father in Heaven…
Matthew 6:9-13

One of the first prayers we learn, even as a child, is the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus taught this simple prayer to His disciples telling them to “pray this way”. This prayer is recited by multitudes of believers worldwide daily. Some believers understand its power and how it can ignite & increase our faith, many however do not and the prayer is just a ritual of obedience & religion.

Today’s verses commence with “Our Father in heaven…” It is essential that He is our source & the supply of everything. When we need anything at all our first port of call must be God. It shouldn’t be our financial advisors, legal team or even our treasured family members. When we approach God first, we open up the infinite treasures of His promises. These treasures provide all the wisdom, hope & favour we’ll need. When we go to God first, we empower Him to direct us to the right people, in the right places, at the right time.

In the verses following Jesus demonstrates 4 vital areas that should always be taken to God first…

Provision >> “Give us” v11
Direction >> “Lead us” v13
Protection >> “Deliver us” v13
Pardon >> “Forgive us” v12

This week let’s empower God to connect us with the answers of His promises. If we need provision, direction, protection or pardon let’s do what Jesus said by taking it in prayer to our Father first. Let’s be open, honest & real in our prayer so we can receive all the wisdom, hope & favour we’ll need. Then start giving thanks to Him for what He will do [1 Thessalonians 5:18]. Before long we’ll be looking at our answer, excited that we did it God’s way & got His results.

Dreams Released…

The LORD was with him
Genesis 39:2, 3, 21, 23

Do you have a God dream of the future that you’re still waiting to see? These dreams easily ignite our passion, fill us with hope & we can’t easily set them aside. They consume our thinking, fuel our passion & inspire us with great excitement. Other people might not understand them but they’re our dream, our future & our hope. We just want to see them happen in our life.

Today’s verse tells us about the dreamer Joseph. God gave him amazing dreams concerning his future. But these dreams were Joseph’s destination not his reality. The journey to them proved difficult, confusing & at times extremely disappointing. As Joseph held onto his dreams everybody forgot about him. Except God! The Lord was with him when no one else was.

The Lord protected, prospered & promoted Joseph on this journey. God gave him favour & blessing as he diligently took care of what had been entrusted to him. Then in one day Joseph was promoted from the prison to the palace and he lived out the dreams that God had given him. We can live out our dreams in a similar way.

This week let’s remember that God wants us to live out the dreams He’s given to us. We must be like Joseph and diligently take care of everything God entrusts to us on the journey. Even when others fail or forget us remember that God is with us. He has solid plans to protect, prosper & promote us. As we move through God’s journey, He’ll get us from the prison to the palace. Then we’ll be walking in the fullness of the dreams we dreamt.


Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn’t do but on what God said he would do
Romans 4:18

Have you ever felt limited in life? Many people limit themselves through what they’re unable to do rather than what they can actually accomplish. What they think, say & believe frames their lives and causes them to accept less than what God would have for them. When we decide to do what God says, living out His promises, our lives expand, increase & become abundantly fruitful.

Today’s verse lets us know that Abraham experienced challenges in life similar to what we do. Abraham had to believe even when everything seemed impossible. Abraham had to live his life relying on what God said rather than on what he could see & accomplish. Abraham had to believe & decide that God’s plan for him would happen even if he couldn’t understand.

We are the biggest limit on our lives. We limit ourselves to what we know we can comfortably do. But God knows we have so much more in us. When we believe & decide to live out the God possibility in us, our future changes. What we see & know becomes superfluous to what God can actually do in and through us.

This week let’s “believe anyway” just like Abraham. Let’s decide to live by what God says we’re capable of rather than through our personal limits. Any situation that arises let’s resist the temptation of what we see & focus instead on God’s promises. Let’s live like Abraham; not limited any longer by what we can’t do but living life through what God says He will do.

Let’s Walk…

Walk humbly in the company of your God
Micah 6:8

There’s nothing like a good walk with great friends. No one is in a rush as we stroll in the same direction, seeing the same things, and enjoying the shared experience. We listen, we talk & we learn from each other. The longer we walk, the more we get to know & the more we find in common.

Today’s verse lets us know how to walk with God. When we walk with Him our focus will go onto Him. When our focus is on him our thoughts are on Him. When our thoughts are on Him, they’re no longer on the troubles we have. When we’re no longer looking at our troubles, we’re able to listen & learn from Him. God pours out His wisdom and we receive His plan to move forward into our future.

As we stop walking with the world and start walking with God, we begin to know His heart & His ways like never before. We’re able to hear his voice speak clearly. We see things His way rather than ours. We start to act justly and to love mercy just like He does. The longer we walk together the more we’ll understand and the more amazing our future will become.

So, this week, let’s start a fresh daily walk with God. Let’s not treat it as a special event. Let’s make it a new habit instead. Let’s spend time each day setting our focus on Him and Him alone. Let’s allow our thoughts to walk with His thoughts through His Word. Let’s listen and learn as God leads us along life’s many paths. The longer we walk with Him, the more our thoughts will align with His and the great our future becomes filled with His promises.

An Outstanding Attitude…

Always be outstanding in the work of the Lord
1 Corinthians 15:58

Have you ever dealt with a shop assistant who was disinterested, distracted & discontent? Everything requested is met with grunts, groins & attitudes of disapproval. It seems like they’d prefer to be doing anything rather than help you. Their attitude causes it to be both an unpleasant & frustrating experience.

Today’s verse reminds us to have the right attitude as we serve the work of the Lord. We’re meant to have an outstanding attitude. That’s an attitude that’s abounding, overflowing & above what others would expect. It’s an attitude that can see results long before the job is completed. It’s an attitude that can only be in born-again believers who are serving the Lord.

We’re not meant to have this outstanding attitude only when we want. We’re told to have it always. Whether we’re working by ourselves or in a group we should have an outstanding attitude. If we’re serving in a small Church or a mega Church, we should have an equally outstanding attitude. If we’re serving with friends or with strangers our outstanding attitude should always be there. When we do, we’re guaranteed never to be useless.

This week let’s ensure we have an outstanding attitude as we work for the Lord. Let’s not allow circumstance, difficulty or even jealousy to distract us from being outstanding. Let’s ensure everything we do is done with enthusiasm, excellence, & faithfulness. When we do, we’ll become steadfast, immovable & victorious, wasting nothing.

Who Chose What?

“You didn’t choose me. I chose you.”
John 15:16

Has someone ever taken credit for something you’ve accomplished? This has happened to everyone & it never feels good. We feel robbed, cheated and undervalued. If it occurred through a mistake or a misunderstanding it’s easily put right. When credit is given, where credit is due, everything is restored to how it should be.

Today’s verse lets us know how easy it is to take credit for what belongs to God. We didn’t choose God; He chose us. He gave us our gifts, skills and talents. Whenever we’re experiencing success, we must remember & give credit to Him. He chose us, equipped us and led us to that victory, not the other way around.

As we acknowledge God the next part of our verse takes over. It says, “I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit” That’s right, when we give credit to Him; we become equipped & enabled to live a productive & prosperous life. This means the parts of our life we enjoy won’t disappear in an hour, a day or a month. They will follow us through each season & be noticed by others. Our fruit will help them discover the same life that’s driven by thankfulness.

This week let’s start getting it right. Let’s stop taking credit for what God does in & through us. Let’s acknowledge Him in everything [Colossians 3:17]. Let’s allow our gifts, skills & talents to flourish in our family, Church & workplace. Let’s start producing lasting fruit in each of these places as well. In no time at all, things that were damaged, broken & lost will start to be restored. They will return to how they should be and we’ll be journeying through a productive & prosperous life again.