A Word Hidden…

Psalm 119:11 “Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

Children love a game of hide and seek. As one child counts to 10 the others hide. Then the hunt begins to find them. There are often squeals and laughter as each child is found. The better hidden you are the less likely you are to lose the game.

Today’s verse gives us a very important key to building our future. It says we are to take the Word of God and store it in our heart. It is vital that God’s Word is the very center, the heart, of everything we do in life.

The more of God’s Word we store in our hearts means the less likely we are to sin. We will not miss, forfeit or lack the fullness that God has for us when we have His Word in our heart. It strengthens us to remain close to Him and ensures that we won’t easily be led astray.

Each week we post a fresh encouragement from the Bible. These are great words you can hide in your heart. You can visit this blog anytime and read our archives. Why not visit it whenever you feel you have a little extra room in your heart that needs to be filled by God’s Word.

Remember God instructs us because He loves us. Let’s respond to His love by taking His precious Word and storing it in our heart. It will allow our life to prosper like never before and ensure that we are equipped to win in our future!


Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart makes well, like medicine”

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the vast array of products we see when entering a pharmacy. Each item promises the good things that it can do for us. The selection is often so great that we need assistance to pick even a simple treatment.

Today’s verse helps us select what is best. It says that a merry heart is fundamental to making us well in a similar way to medicine. Many of us have taken medicine for ailments but few have applied a merry heart to their life to make it well.

A merry heart is simply one that is joyful, glad and rejoicing. As Christians these 3 things reside in us and are meant to be a vital part of living. The problem is that we hide them when we’re not feeling well rather than use them. God says that this is the exact time for us to utilize them.

Now, medications have an important place in healing but above that is our merry hearts. We are made in God’s image and He knows exactly what’s needed to assist our health. He says a merry heart works inside us helping our health to return.

This week let’s use our merry hearts to make us well. Pick an area of life, that isn’t thriving like it should, and let your joy, gladness and rejoicing overflow through it. Like a medication it will get inside the problem, causing wellness to return and victory to be obtained.

Joy Needed…

John 16:24 “You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy”

Have you ever been in a crowded room talking with someone only to discover that they were actually chatting to someone else? You feel embarrassed and slightly disappointed as you move away and compose yourself.

This verse lets us know who to talk to about what we need in life. We are to go directly to God and ask in Jesus’ name. When we do this the Bible says that we will receive what we asked for. Now that is great but there is even more.

When we’ve received what we asked for we also get abundant joy. We won’t walk away disappointed and embarrassed like in the conversation above. God promises to supply this joy with everything He gives when we ask properly.

Now, the key to opening this verse is that Jesus said, “You probably haven’t done this before.” Many believers have never asked for anything in Jesus name. That is why they haven’t received anything with joy. God’s promise is that whenever we ask in Jesus name, we will receive what we asked for plus abundant Joy.

So, what do you need? Take some time this week and ask God for it in Jesus name. Then get ready to receive. God’s Word says that it will come to you smothered in Joy at just the right time. This is God’s way, and it works, so why not let it work in you!

A Great Question…

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will give the nations for you to own”

Have you ever seen a child in a supermarket that asks for everything they see? If it’s in front of their eyes their hand reaches out and you instantly hear “Can I have that?” We’ve all experienced this at one time or another.

Our verse says that God can give us the nations of the Earth… if we ask for them. The problem is, as we get older we tend to ask less. We find ourselves becoming self sufficient instead of God supplied. God says, if we want something, then we ask Him for it!

Sometimes what we ask for comes quickly. Other times it takes longer, but the key is in asking God. Following that, we just need to keep walking in His ways, obeying His Word and fellowshipping with each other. This results in us obtaining the given promise.

Now, if God can give us something as enormous as the Nations, think about what you might need today. The first step to getting it is to ask God for it. Then pursue Him along life’s path and you’ll receive it.

This week, let’s come before God and ask Him for what we need. Remember nothing is too big or too small for Him. He is concerned about what concerns us, so ask Him for it. Then keep obeying His Word and walking in His ways and before long we’ll have what we asked for.

The Road Ahead…

Exodus 15:18 “The Lord reigns for ever and ever”

Have you ever driven a road that looks like it lasts forever? Each time you turn a curve you discover that the road continues on, disappearing into the distance.

Our verse says that God’s reign, that is his control & influence, are just like a never-ending road. His reign goes beyond what we presently see or experience, all the way into the future. It runs right through eternity.

In our Christian life there are certain truths that we must settle. God’s reign over our life journey is one of them. It doesn’t matter what curves and turns we meet in life God must be allowed to lead and steer us on a course of safety.

Daily the enemy takes every opportunity to push and batter us. Nonetheless God’s reign, that is his control & influence, allows us to survive and navigates even the greatest attacks. God will lead us beyond what’s happening today towards a powerful and dynamic future.

This week, why not make an unwavering commitment to accept God’s reign afresh in your life. His plans and purpose for you are full of future and hope. God will securely take you forward on life’s path if you allow him. You will go beyond your current circumstance and, before you know it, you’ll be racing along life’s road again filled with faith and hope.

Fan that Flame…

1Timothy 1:6  “…I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you…”

A fire left unattended will eventually die down to nothing but a few glowing embers. If we refuel and fan them, flames will quickly start to flicker and climb and before long the fire is ablaze again.

Our verse lets us know that this is how our God given spiritual gifts work. If we leave them unattended they will decrease and become nothing more than an ember of what they should be. People may notice them smouldering in us but be unable to see the raging beauty that they should be.

Now, just as a fire needs three things to exist: fuel, heat and oxygen, our spiritual gifts need prayer, study and fellowship to blaze. As we diligently bring these three together the flames of our spiritual gifts begin to rise and gather strength. What is an ember today can be a flame tomorrow and a raging fire in our future.

This week why not fan into flames the spiritual gifts that God gave you. Start praying over them, studying God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians who think the way you think. This will cause even the smallest dying ember of your spiritual gifts to flicker and come to life in a short time. Don’t stop when you see the first sign of flame but keep on praying, studying and fellowshipping until your spiritual gifts are a raging fire that no man can stop.

God’s Talking…

Numbers 23:19 “God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it”

Have you ever told people the truth only to have them not believe you? It can be devastating but as time passes, and good fruit shows, everything turns around. Those who didn’t believe you often become your greatest cheerleaders.

Today’s verse states 4 important facts:


  • Tells NO LIES

We must understand that God’s pleasure is that we believe Him and His word. Often people humanize God to have similar weaknesses and failures to themselves. The fact is our God is not weak in any area. He is stable, sure and true!

This is why we can be 100% obedient to God’s Word. It will produce everything that it says. There are no lies and no changes. Exactly what God says is what will happen. We can bind our lives to Him and have success as we obey His Word.

This week let’s work on any lingering areas of doubts that we may hold towards God’s Word. Dig them out of our lives by telling them the truth… “God said it, I believe it and I’m going to do it.” Keep speaking to them until they line up with His Word. Doubt will flee and the strength of God will enter in and before long our fruit will be displaying the truth of God in every arena of our lives.

Time to Get Ready…

Acts 2:17 “In the last days,” God says “I’ll pour out of my Spirit upon all people”

Have you ever been out for a walk and been suddenly caught in a downpour? One minute you’re happily strolling along, the next you’re drenched from head to foot. The weather changed suddenly and you were caught unprepared.

Our verse tells us about a sudden change that God is planning. He’s about to gush, spill and pour out His Holy Spirit like never before. God’s been speaking about this for millennia and now it’s about to happen. It’s time to get prepared for a total drenching in His Holy Spirit.

Here’s how it works; God says He’ll do His part by pouring out the Holy Spirit and we do our part by being prepared to receive Him. Just like the wise virgins in Matthew 25, we must be prepared and ready. By continuing in God’s Word, prayer and fellowship with other believers we’ll be amply prepared to receive as God releases His downpour.

What an exciting time this will be. Our sons and daughters prophesying, our young people seeing visions, and our older folk dreaming dreams. Everyone will be saturated. There’s an overflow of the Holy Spirit coming like never before!

This week start preparing to be a vessel that can receive from this great outpouring. Consider gathering friends around you and prepare for what’s ahead. Study your bible, pray together and get to know the Holy Spirit like never before. You’ll be glad you did because God’s going to pour out His Holy Spirit on all people.

No Surprises…

Psalm 119:165 “The people who love God’s Instructions enjoy peace and lots of it and nothing shall offend them”

I enjoy walking on paths that twist and turn on their way to a destination. My mind thinks about what’s coming up ahead or what’s beyond the next turn. As I stay on the path I arrive safely at the destination.

God has a path for us. Our verse says that as we walk on His Path and follow His Instructions offense won’t be able to lead us astray. Isn’t it great to know that around the next bend of life can be lots of peace rather than another unexpected offense?

Offense always leads us away from God. It takes us into a wilderness of self-interest and deception. We soon discover that peace has gone and the never-ending storms of life are tossing us about instead. This all resulted from us following an offense.

God has provided us with a fabulous escape from offense. All we do is simply follow His Instructions. When we start doing things His Way we suddenly find ourselves back on His path for our life and His path is an offense free path.

Don’t allow offense to stalk you and lead you away from God. Instead hold firm to God’s way of doing things. Before long you’ll find that there is LOTS OF PEACE in your life. Soon others will be looking to you to lead them along His path of life towards peace.

CLICK HERE to download a FREE Word Study to help you with offense.

Sounds Great…

Proverbs 10:11 “The mouth of a righteous person is a fountain of life”

Fountains are fascinating. People are drawn to their seemingly endless flow of water as it dances and spills around them. The many cascades create a peaceful atmosphere. Their calming sound attracts many who sit and relax on their edges.

Today’s verse says that our mouth, or more specifically the words we speak, can become a fountain of life. Stinking words produce a dead fountain that no one visits. Life giving words produce a beautiful fountain that everyone wants to be near.

Try picturing this in your imagination. See your life-giving words becoming a fountain of life as they dance and spill from your mouth. See their sound attracting people and creating a refreshingly peaceful atmosphere for others.

This week allow encouraging words to freely flow from your mouth. As you do this you’ll create a beautiful fountains of life that has an overflow of healthy waters. People will almost instantly be attracted by your words. When this happens allow more life-giving words to gush out and affect all those who come near. Before long lives will be changed, people refreshed and cascades of life will be flowing from you in every direction. It God’s Word so you know it will work!