Wild Excitement…

Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” [WEB]

Do you remember the foot races at school? It was always easier to finish when our team was cheering us on. Whenever we feel supported we naturally feel better and achieve more.

Our verse today reminds us that we have awe-inspiring support in a great cloud of witnesses. They are there just for us and as they cheer… we win! Today they are roaring, “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD – KEEP GOING!”

As you can see our victory comes from what we do with this support. God wants us to discard every weight and every clinging sin holding us back… they are too heavy for us anyway.  By dropping them we obtain the freedom to run our race.

Why wait another day?  Lets discard any discouragement; past failure or weighty sin that slows us down… leave them beside the track. As we do this the cloud of witnesses will go wild with excitement. We will MOVE FASTER AND SEE CLEARER than ever before. Our heavenly supporters will wildly cheer us on to the finishing line!

Activated Faith…

2 Corinthians 4:13 “And since we have the same spirit of FAITH, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke” we also believe and therefore speak.” (NKJV)

When we are shocked or surprised we become speechless.  Fact: God does not want us stuck with nothing to say! You see our words are designed to become extremely powerful when used in agreement with God’s Word.

Let’s take a closer look… this verse shows us that FAITH is simple.  FAITH is to believe AND SPEAK God’s word. When we do this God says we have the spirit of FAITH.

Here is how to active FAITH:
Hear the Word + Believe the word + Speak the word = Activated FAITH

As you can see to move in FAITH involves all of these ingredients working together. We believe therefore we speak it out aloud.  As we do this, FAITH is activated. The result? Things that were not become things that are. Before we know it we are seeing God’s promises fulfilled – How exciting!!!

Do it now… activate FAITH by hearing, believing and speaking God’s Word. Use activated FAITH on your most desperate situations. Watch how quickly they turn around and line up with God’s Word. It really works!!!

The Best Guide…

Psalms 105:37 “But he brought his people safely out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick or feeble people among them.” (NLT)

If you are like most people, you probably love to travel. The truth is it’s even more enjoyable when someone comes along as a guide. A guide shows us the best of their region and this enhances our whole travel experience.

God’s word calls us “sojourners” on earth, which literally means temporary visitors.  So if we really want to enjoy our temporary visit, we need a guide.

Here is how it works!  God is our guide.  He shows us His best and enhances our trip with three essential items:

  1. SAFETY – “He brings us out safely”
  2. SUPPLY – “He loads us up with supplies”
  3. HEALTH – “In Him we’re not sick or feeble”

As we progress through our journey we will constantly need to access God’s treasure trove of SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH that He has made available to us! Isn’t God good!

Don’t wait any longer! Declare the goodness of God over yourself, your family and friends… over every part of your journey. Proclaim God’s SAFETY, SUPPLY and HEALTH… its for you today.

A Superior Result…

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit.” [NIV]

Everyone loves to eat and drink; it is not only a necessity but also an enjoyable part of life. Some people even hold competitions for fun to see who can eat the most in the quickest amount of time.

Now for the surprise… God says that there are greater things to strive for than our physical needs. Why? Because taking care of our needs is His job.  Our Father in heaven wants us to seek first His Kingdom.  As we do this He tells us about three things that will produce a superior result.

Just as we understand the benefit of eating and drinking to sustain our natural lives, God has provided the benefits of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit for our life in God’s Kingdom.

What does this mean for us? Living in the kingdom of God means we get to partake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. A miracle? You bet!

Best of all God wants to sustain us in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit everyday of our lives.  Say “YES” to kingdom living today!

Late at Night…

1 John 1:5 “This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is LIGHT, pure LIGHT; there’s not a trace of darkness in him.” [MSG]

In the middle of the night it is amazing how fast the darkness disappears when we switch on the LIGHT. Darkness goes instantly! In the same way, when God is in a place, the devil cannot be there. LIGHT will always expel darkness. God is forever greater than everything else.

Three things we should always remember:

  1. God is LIGHT
  2. God is pure
  3. God has no darkness

Our redeemed lives are to be full of God’s LIGHT and purity. As we allow Him into every area of our lives… no darkness, through thought, word or deed, can exist there.  Why? Because the LIGHT of God expels them! If any darkness tries to re-enter it will be forced out by God’s presence.

Start today and let God’s LIGHT shine through every part of your life. There is no place too dark that He cannot shine brightly. Everywhere LIGHT exists, darkness cannot. So lets live in the LIGHT, abide in the LIGHT and share the LIGHT!

You Are Invited…

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” [NKJV]

From prison rescues to dramatically saved lives, God wants to involve you in what is happening on earth!  Our verse today teaches us that there is an exciting life in the Spirit available to every follower of Jesus.

Let me explain.  For many years this verse was a mystery to me.  What does it mean to be meek? What does it mean to inherit the earth?

It’s so amazing! To be meek simply means to be submissive to, gracious towards and easily imposed upon by the Holy Spirit.  To inherit means to be given an involvement in what God is doing on earth. WOW!

Our verse literally reads, “Blessed are the easily imposed upon by the Holy Spirit for they shall be given an involvement in heavens plans on earth.” Astounding!

Why wait another day? God wants to take you into realms of Him that you have never experienced before.  Open up your heart to the Holy Spirit and learn to become involved in heaven’s plans on earth anytime… anywhere!

Get a hold of Esther’s latest DVD “POWERFUL PRAYER – Getting involved in God’s plans on earth” and find out how you too can begin an exhilarating journey and be powerful in prayer today!

Order your copy of POWERFUL PRAYER today http://www.spiritword.com.au/promo.html

Watch an excerpt from POWERFUL PRAYER

It’s Here Somewhere…

Mark 16:2 “And very early on the FIRST day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb.” [ESV]

Have you ever been searching for a treasured thing? You know it is buried under something, somewhere!  You become so excited when you finally locate it.

The people in our verse were on the hunt for something buried too! They were looking for Jesus. They were up very early, on the FIRST day of the week, before the sun had even risen… talk about enthusiastic! They were keen to locate Jesus so they PRIORITIZED Him… they found their treasure.

It’s true that there are dark places in everyone’s life. Places that we don’t want to let anyone into… not even Jesus. The truth is the freedom we search for is found when we allow Jesus to enter into and work in these areas.

It’s very easy to make this happen. All we need to do is PRIORITIZE Jesus. Make Him FIRST and put everything else second. There is always ample time to get Jesus involved… even if we have to search for him.

Right now schedule to meet with Jesus first; in the EARLY and even if it is still dark in your situation. Tell Jesus you want Him involved in every part of your life.   The same way they found Jesus in their situation you will too!

The Better Change…

Proverbs 19:21 “You can make many PLANS, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” [NLT]

Long before a house is built there are PLANS drawn. As the building progresses we usually make many changes. When it’s complete we have a house that looks exactly the way we want. In a similar way we make our own firm PLANS for the future. As our lives progress God intervenes and makes adjustments to our PLANS so that our lives will end up looking exactly like He wants.

Here is how it works. When we make PLANS that are selfish or that are not right in God’s eyes… He intervenes. He may do this by using His word, other people or by speaking directly into our spirit. It doesn’t matter how He intervenes. What matters is our response. We must make corrections as instructed because God’s purpose will prevail.

This week stay close to the Holy Spirit. Listen for heavens PLANS. If His PLANS don’t match ours then it is time to adjust our PLANS. Remember, God’s purposes will always win so bond to His success. Don’t be an observer… become a part of His purpose here on earth today!

Not You Too…

2 Corinthians 1:4 “He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” [MSG]

Life gets pressured and before we know it we are overwhelmed… it’s a hard time. When we find ourselves in hard times it is always comforting to have someone by our side. They are not merely there to HELP, but also provide comfort.

Our verse today knits together God’s way of bringing hard times to an end and it’s a lot easier than we think! It is in these hard times that God comes beside us to HELP and to comfort us like no one else can. The Holy Spirit undertakes this role – He is our comforter and our very present HELP in time of need.

But that’s just part of the story… after we have experienced this amazing comfort and HELP from the Holy Spirit, God wants us to do something with it – Give it away! God says find another person in a hard time and HELP them the same way He HELPED us. We are not to sit around just wanting comfort. No! God’s plan for us is to HELP others!

This week, reach out to HELP and comfort someone in a hard time. Watch how quickly your difficulties end and how blessed others are through you.

It Will Happen…

Hebrews 6:14 “He said, ‘I promise that I’ll BLESS you with everything I have – BLESS and BLESS and BLESS!'”[MSG]

I remember as a child how long it seemed to take for my birthday to arrive. It felt like an eternity. In reality, all I had to do was wait patiently and it would happen. In our verse today there is a very powerful promise from God.  This promise was so important to God that He took an oath in His own name that it would happen. He made this promise a certainty.

What is this promise? God wants to BLESS you! And that’s not all… He doesn’t want to just BLESS you once, He wants to BLESS and BLESS and BLESS you. WOW! The truth is God’s intention is to BLESS you continually not just once. He wants to BLESS you again and again and again.

In the very next verse God says “…and so after waiting patiently Abraham inherited the promise.” In the same way as kids we had to wait patiently for our birthday each year we must also wait patiently for His promise.  So there you have it… our trust is in God, as we patiently believe that He wants us to be BLESSED and BLESSED and BLESSED!